Or 16429 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Masnavi, Pir va Javan by Nasira-yi Isfahani
1 copy of a work by Ṭabīb Iṣfahānī, Muḥammad Naṣīr ibn ʻAbd Allāh, -1777 or 1778
A mas̲navī poem, with a mystical flavour, concerning old age and youth. By Mīrzā Muḥammad Naṣīr Ṭabīb Iṣfahānī, called Naṣīrā (d. 1191/1777-8). The poem Pīr va javān is also known by three other titles: Bahāriyya, Bahār va Khazān, and Dar ta‘rīf-i bahāriyyāt. Besides being a physician, this versatile author also composed for Karīm Khān Zand a work on chronology called Bīst faṣl or alternatively Ma‘rifat-i taqvīm: see FNKhF I, pp. 248-9.
Of the 29 copies of Pīr va Javān listed in FNKhF IV, pp. 2700-2, the only other one outside Iran is BL Or. 6949, f. 62v-74v. According to Munzavī, loc. cit., there have been a number of printed editions, the earliest being dated 1291/1874-5.
Begins: ‘Shabī ba naw-javānī guft pīrī * kuhan durdī-kashī ṣāfī-z̤amīrī’
Iran. Undated: 13th/19th century.
Shikasta script. 10 lines, written diagonally. Gold and black ruled text frames and columns, and interlinear gilding throughout. Illuminated heading, f. 1v. 12 folios. Off-white paper of medium thickness. 106 x 63 mm.; text area 88 x 44 mm. Dark sea-green limp leather covers faced with a stitched design in wool.
Purchased from Bonhams (19 April 2007, lot 29/1).
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