Or 16487 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Anjuman-i Khaqan
1 copy of Anjuman-i Khāqān by Garrūsī, Fāz̤il Khān
A tazkira of Persian poets of the reign of Fatḥ 'Ali Shah Qajar. By Mirza Muḥammad Fazil Khan Ravi Garrusi (d. 1252/1836-7), a courtier who was first Ravi-i Mada'ih and later Jarchi-Bashi (chief herald). For this author, the work, and other manuscripts, see Storey PL I/2 pp. 886-7.
Iran. Undated: 13th/19th century.
Nasta‘līq. 20 lines. Illuminated heading on f. 1v and 3v, and at the beginning of each section. Arabesque designs in gold, black, red and blue in margins of 1v-2r, 3v-4r. Text frames: red, gold, black, blue. Off-white paper of medium thickness. 129 folios. 302 x 205 mm.; text area 226 x 89 mm. Original painted lacquered binding with floral ornamentation on brown ground; doublures with narcissi on red ground.
Purchased from Christie's South Kensington (26 October 2007, lot 355).
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