Or 16489 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Safavid treatise on court etiquette
1 copy of Rafīq-i tawfīq by Muḥammad ʿAlī Qazvīnī
A treatise on etiquette, the terminology of various professions and fields of learning, and appropriate expressions and behaviour for those in positions of service and/or being served, especially in royal courts. Composed by Muḥammad ‘Alī Qazvini, and dedicated to the Safavid Shah Sulayman I (reg. 1077-1105/1666-94. This text is not found in Storey PL or Munzavi FNKhF. Hence it is likely to be extremely rare.
The work commences with an extremely lengthy introductory section in which the author provides a guide to terminology of, and useful expressions relating to, numerous fields of work and of learning – from grammar to accounting to astrology. In this section, the start of each discussion of a new subject is signalled by a descriptive inscription in red letters in the margin. Folios ??-?? are devoted to the actual preface, in which the author explains his own experiences and, following on from them, the nature of the present work and the need for it. He explains that success in one's occupation depends upon understanding one's position vis-à-vis others, and the best way to speak and behave with them.
Contents: 1v- , Preface. Followed from 10r by terms and expressions (istilahat) pertaining to different fields of knowledge, from grammar to logic to accountancy to astrology. There are numerous quotations in Arabic as well as Persian. The next section, f. 52r, Harf-i avval: Dar ahval-i tavayif-i khuddam va rusum-i asnaf-i banda (divided into Babats), describes various categories of servant and official. Folios 57v-121v contain Bist va chahar rasm, discussions of 24 principles for success in one's career of service. The next section deals with approaches and protocol (rusumat) for dealing with persons of different callings.
Another section, beginning on f. 145r-267v, describes 24 virtues and points of etiquette (adab). On 268v-299r the author's Qism-i avval advises on situations that customarily arise in dealings with people of various kinds, such as courtiers and singers. The first part of the concluding section 299r, Tatimma dar mu'asharat ba bani naw' is divided into sections sections (Lubb). The author first describes how one should deal with people of one's own class in situations such as seeking a woman's hand in marriage, raising a son, travelling, entertaining guests, and offering condolences. Lubb 6, finally, offers counsel on interactions with ordinary people.
Folios 1v-10r, Muqaddima; 10r-52r, Istilahat; 52-57, Harf-i avval (several Babats); 57v-121v, Bist va chahar rasm; Rusumat: 121r-147r, 121v-127r, 127r, Rusumat-i rish-safid...; 130v, Rusumat...bakhshiyan va dabiran; 138v, ...aṭibba'-i haziq; 142r, Munajjiman-i mahir; 145r, Harf-i sani dar Adab-i makhdum; Adabs: 1-24, 147r-268v: 147r, Adab-i avval; 154v, Adab-i duvvum; 163v, Adab-i siyum; 165r, Adab-i chaharum; 165v, [Moral virtues]; 178v, Adab-i panjum (heading); 193v, Adab-i shishum; 201r, Adab-i haftum; 202r, [Immoral types]; 206v, Adab-i hashtum; 210v, Adab-i nuhum; 222r, Adab-i dahum; 230r, Adab-i yazdahum; 232v, Adab-i davazdahum; 237v, Adab-i sizdahum; 245r, Adab-i chahardum; 247r, Adab-i panzdahum; 250v, Adab-i shanzdahum; 253v, Adab-i hifdahum; 254r, Adab-i hijdahum; 255v, Adab-i nuzdahum; 257v, Adab-i bistum; 258r, Adab-i bist va yakum; 264r, Adab-i bist va duvvum; 265v, Adab-i bist va siyum; 267v, Adab-i bist va chaharum; Qisms and Adabs: 268v-299v; 268v, Qism-i avval; 281r, Adab-i nudama; 288v, Adab-i nudama dar hazrat-i muluk va salatin; 292v, Adab-i arbab-i ghina; 299r, Tatimma dar mu'asharat ba bani naw'; Lubbs 1-6: 299v-313r; 299v, Lubb-i avval dar zan khwastan; 303r, Lubb-i duvvum dar farzand parvardan; 304v, Lubb-i sivvum dar...raftan; 305v, Lubb-i chaharum dar ziyafat kardan; 307r, Lubb-i panjum dar munadamat; 308r-313r, Lubb-i shishum dar mu'asharat ba 'umum-i nas
Begins: Basmala ‘Rafiq-i tawfiq-i salikan-i tariq-i rusum va adab * va anis-i shafiq-i sakinan-i mahafil-i 'uqul va albab...’
Ends: ‘Kistam man u chi bashad kar-i man * Misra' Man haman zawqam ki mi-yaband az guftar-i man... Va l-salat va l-salam...’
Other contents: 1v, description of the text; 2r-v, text in Arabic.
Colophon, f. 308r. Dated 1112/1700-1. Copied by Muḥammad Amīn, grandson of the great Mīr ‘Imād al-Ḥasanī.
Elegant nasta‘līq calligraphy. 15 lines. Red headings and overlinings. Gold and black text frames. Illuminated heading, f. 3v, and interlinear gilding, 3v-4r. Paper?. 313 folios. 24 x 15 cm. = 238 x 148 mm. Maroon leather binding, gilt impressed medallions, repaired and rebacked.
Purchased from Christie's South Kensington (26 October 2007, lot 360).
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