Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or 16490 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Oriental Manuscripts

Divan of Farrukhi Sistani, early critical edition


1 copy of Dīvān by Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Jūlūgh "Farrukhī" of Sistan, d. 429/1037-8

The collected works of the 5th/11th century poet Farrukhi Sistani. See J.T.P. de Bruijn, "Farroki Sistani, Abū l-Ḥasan 'Ali b. Julug", EIr IX, pp. 321-2. Copies of this Divan are rare. For sources on Farrukhi, and manuscripts and printed editions and editions of his poems, see F. de Blois, PL V/1, pp. 108-111. Extant manuscripts of the Divan are listed in FNKhF III, pp. 2462-4. All the recorded copies date from the 12th/18th or 13th/19th century. Other BL MSS.: Or. 2945, Or. 3246, I.O. Islamic 1841 (incomplete).

The present manuscript is beautifully produced and is of especial interest in that it represents an early 13th/20th century critical edition, predating by decades those of ‘Abd al-Rasūlī and Dabīr-Siyāqī, and containing numerous variant readings and marginal annotations throughout. It was produced on the basis of eleven manuscripts. The editor's identity is unknown.

Contents: 1v-194r, [Qaṣā’id]; 195r-202v, Tarjī‘āt; 203r-207r, Ghazaliyyāt; 207r-209v, Rubā‘iyyāt.

Begins: Basmala Bar amad niligun abri zi ru-yi niligun darya * chu ra-yi 'ashiqan gardan chu tab'-i bidilan shayda

Ends: Dīdār ‘azīz kardī aybar-i Khudā * Sīmurgh na’ī?? rū-yi rahī-rā banumā

Copied in Iran. Colophon, f. 209v. Dated 29 Rabī‘ al-sānī 1337/11 February 1919. Copied by Muḥammad ‘Alī ibn ‘Abd al-Khāliq al-Miṣbāḥī al-Nā’īnī, called ‘Ibrat, for Ḥasan ‘Alī Mustashār al-Mulk.

Calligraphic naskhī. 21 lines in 2 columns. Textual variants in red; definitions, and most other annotations, in black. Beige paper of medium thickness, heavily sized. 209 folios, plus 1 blank; original pagination, in red, 2-418. 21 x 17 cm. Fine modern patterned endpapers in violet, gold, and shades of blue. Book-style red morocco binding with raised bands.

Purchased from Christie's South Kensington (26 October 2007, lot 395).

Language(s): Persian
Title: Dīvān
Title: دیوان

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 209 ff. (+1)
Dimensions (leaf): 210 × 170 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 29 Rabīʿ al-sānī 1337 AH; 11 February 1919 CE ; Iran

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in M.I. Waley, Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts acquired 2000-2014.


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