Or 16783 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
Two works on cosmology
A brief treatise on cosmology, comprising 36 sections called ṣaḥīfa. Apparently unpublished.
Dated 7.12.1352/27 February 1974 on 2r and 58v. Copied by ʿAbd al-Ṣamad (colophon, 56r).
Another brief treatise, on aspects of cosmology and spiritual life, titled Zabīdat al-maʿāʾinī for Zubdat al-maʿānī. Apparently unpublished.
Copied in Kabul and dated 25.1.1354/14 April 1975, by Pīr Naẓar valad-i Pīr Muḥammad.
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