Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or 16933/15 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Oriental Manuscripts



1 copy of ʿArz̤ah dāsht

Petition to unnamed royal addressee (with chatr) expressing incredulity at reports of a rift between the unnamed royal addressee (i.e. Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam) and Najaf Khān, and the latter's retirement; appeals in latter's favour. Clarifies the ruler's personal autonomy in making arrangments in the palace. Writer admits to faulty advice, but that errors (by others) will soon become clear. Requests removal of Najaf Khān's enemies (unspecified), who are themselves guilty of the accusations raised. The new appointee is described as unworthy

Signed in English (next to lower right corner of text panel): John Cartier

Not dated

Narrow text panel and and 2 upper cartouches (invocation and title) of zar afshānī or gold spray over a lightly tinted ground; sar lawḥ above text panel in shape of low arch, filled with symmetrical scrolling floral ornament; painted gold floral motifs in diaper arrangement on plain paper ground; gold painted chatr above title cartouche; narrow outer border; angled corner (bottom right)

Bonhams, Knightsbridge, Sale 22524 (5 Nov 2014, 10:30), Lot 18

Language(s): Persian & English
Author: John Cartier

Physical Description

Form: leaf
Support: Individual documents attached together (along upper and lower edges) in scroll format
Extent: 1 f.
Dimensions (leaf): 464 × 196 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 18th century CE ; India


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