Or 16933/16 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Oriental Manuscripts
1 copy of ʿArz̤ah dāsht
Petition to unnamed royal addressee (with chatr) with reference to an earlier petition relating to Najaf Khān's retirement (see Or.16933/15). Clarifies that the writer does not blame the addressee (i.e. Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam) for personal shortcomings, but Najaf Khān's misfortune. Points out that a number of persons have been active in poisoning the addressee's mind against the EIC (sardārān-i Angrīz). Encourages addressee to investigate people at fault. Urges the speedy summon of Navvāb Munīr al-Dawlah to court, who may or may not be taken into employment. Clarifies that the writer (i.e. EIC) does not countenance insubordination by Najaf Khān, nor has it been reported that he was or will be insubordinate in the earlier petition (ʿarz̤ī-'i sābiq)
Signed in English (next to lower right corner of text panel): John Cartier
Not dated
Narrow text panel and and 2 upper cartouches (invocation and title) of zar afshānī or gold spray over a lightly tinted ground; sar lawḥ above text panel in shape of low arch, filled with symmetrical scrolling floral ornament; painted gold floral motifs in diaper arrangement on plain paper ground; gold painted chatr above title cartouche; narrow outer border; angled corner (bottom right)
Bonhams, Knightsbridge, Sale 22524 (5 Nov 2014, 10:30), Lot 18
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