Delhi Persian 1039 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Commentary on Rumi’s Masnavi, daftar II
1 copy of a work by Muḥammad Riz̤āʾ
Untitled commentary on the second daftar of the Mas̲navī-'i maʿnavī of Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī (d. 670/1271) by the commentator Muḥammad Riz̤āʾ, known to have authored a similar work in 1084/1673-4 entitled Mukāshifāt-i sharḥ-i Mas̲navī according to Levy.
The work begins without any preface or introduction.
Dated colophon (f. 68r): completed Saturday, 15 Muḥarram 1199/28 November 1784, in reign of Emperor Shāh ʿĀlam (RY omitted).
Rough nastaʿlīq, with sections in Indian taʿlīq, probably by the same scribe.
Annotations and corrections in margins.
Stamped foliation.
Lacking binding.
Loose folded paper wrapper (contents page from a volume of the legal statutes of the Supreme Government: printed by G. H. Huttmann, Bengal Military Orphan Press, Calcutta, 1843), watermarked (seated Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, no date); torn, stained, and incomplete.
Folios unbound; cropped, excessive wormholes, later repairs.
Condition fragile.
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