Delhi Persian 1124B (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Nizami’s masnavi, Makhzan al-asrar
1 copy of Makhzan al-asrār by Niẓāmī
First mas̲navī from the collection of allegorical and Ṣūfī-inspired quintet or Khamsah of poems by Ilyās Abū Muḥammad ibn Yūsuf ibn Muʿayyid Ganjaʾī (d. 599/1203).
This copy is marked by many orthographic errors.
Colophon not dated (f. 84v): completed by Muḥammad ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad Yār the resident of Vanālah (Jhālah Rājpūt principality, Gujarat); datable to the late eighteenth century.
Rough scribal nastaʿlīq.
Frequent detailed annotations and corrections in margins.
Stamped foliation.
Binding severely damaged, fragments of boards survive stripped of their original covering of marbled paper and brown leather edging. Included in box: 1) fragment of marbled paper removed from a board; 2) exposed inner matter of pasteboard from end flap (Persian correspondence concerning accounts).
Folios unbound; cropped, wormholes, later repairs.
Condition fragile.
Physical Description
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