Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1174 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Miscellaneous works on Sufism and literary works by Qatil Dihlavi, 10 items (a-j)


Summary of Contents: Miscellaneous collection of works on Sufism, Urdu lexicography, and literature, several by or associated with Mīrzā Qatīl Dihlavī active at the courts of Lakhnaʾū and Murshidābād. Volume not dated; items d-h dated separately (ranging Samvat 1873, Hijrī 1232, 2 January 1817 to 30 June 1817), completed at Hānsī (Haryana State, India). Neat scribal miniscule nastaʿlīq tending toward shikastah āmīz and taʿlīq in parts, by multiple modern hands. Limited annotations in margins, excepting item b. Stamped and Persian foliation. Lacking original binding. Binding damaged (ink-stained deep brown leather edged with reddish brown leather, delaminating; missing spine), labelled. End papers with hidden Kaithi text. Folios unbound; cropped, minor creases, stains, wormholes. Condition moderately fragile.
1. ff. 1r-6v

Item a.

Ṣūfī treatise collecting the invocations and private utterances of ʿAbd Allāh Anṣārī (d. 1088).

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
Title: Munājāt
2. ff. 7r-58v

Item b.

Untitled Persian dictionary of Urdu, by an unnamed author.

Lemma are duplicated in margins, comprising abvāb or sections for alif to hāʾ, including entries on ‘Indian’ or retroflex letters.

Modern Urdu orthography is seldom indicated (especially for retroflex letters).

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian, Urdu, and Arabic
3. ff. 59v-85v

Item c.

Untitled dictionary of Persian, by an unnamed author.

The work is not organised alphabetically, but thematically.

The work is defective at end.

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
4. ff. 87r-97r
Language(s): Persian & Arabic

Item d.

Treatise on Persian literary aesthetics and principles, attributed only in the colophon to Mīrzā Qatīl, that is, Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥasan Dihlavī Khatrī (d. 1232/1817).

The title is based in the name of the work’s dedicatee, Mīr Amān ʿAlī.

The work consists of six sections termed farʿ.

Dated colophon (f. 97r): completed at Hānsī, Sam[v]at 1873, Hijrī 1232, 2 January 1817.

5. ff. 101v-146r
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item e.

Untitled treatise on Persian literary aesthetics and lexicography, by Mīrzā Qatīl, that is, Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥasan Dihlavī Khatrī (d. 1232/1817).

Dated colophon (f. 101r): completed 7 January 1817.

6. ff. 101v-146r
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item f.

Treatise on logic and philosophy, by ‘Qatīl-i rū siyāh’, that is, Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥasan Dihlavī Khatrī (d. 1232/1817).

The work was written at the request of Mīrzā Jaʿfar ʿAlī Khān Bahādur (d. 1178/1765), son of the martyred Navvāb Muḥammad Qulī Khān (d. 1174/1761), descendants of Shāh Budāgh.

The work comprises a muqaddimah and followed by two maqālah.

Dated colophon (f. 146r): completed at Hānsī, 27 February 1817.

7. ff. 146v-150v
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item g.

Untitled treatise on Persian prosody, based apparently on principles set out by the early grammarian of Arabic, Khalīl ibn Aḥmad, that is Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khalīl al-Farāhīdī (d. circa 175/786), by an unnamed author.

Dated colophon (f. 150v): completed at Hānsī, on the day of Holi, Monday, Phāgan sadī pūran māsī samvat 1803, equating to 14 Rabīʿ al-S̲ānī 1232, or 3 March 1817.

Selected Persian verses added below the colophon.

8. ff. 151r-166r
Language(s): Persian, Arabic, and Turkish

Item h.

Excerpts by an unnamed editor from the treatise on literary style and inshāʾ by Siyalkoti or Siyālkūtī Mal Lāhawrī “Vārastah” (fl. 1766).

Dated colophon (f. 166r): completed at Hānsī, 30 June 1817.

The colophon is followed by notes on Chaghatay Turkish vocabulary until folio 166v.

9. ff. 167r-168r
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item i.

Untitled transcripts of two petitions or ʿarz̤ah dāsht lacking the names and details of either the addressees or the authors. It is possible these may be specimen petitions, intended to be adapted for other purposes later.

The second petition may be incomplete.

Not dated at end.

10. ff. 168v-186v
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Item j.

Untitled collection of transcripts for letters and petitions or ʿarz̤ah dāsht, attributable to Mīrzā Qatīl, that is, Mīrzā Muḥammad Ḥasan Dihlavī Khatrī (d. 1232/1817).

The collection is defective at end.

Not dated at end.

Rough shikastah āmīz and taʿlīq.

Occasional additions in margins.


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 186 ff. (+1)
Dimensions (leaf): 211 × 149 mm.
Dimensions (written):



Origin: 1232, Samvat 1873 (2 January 1817 - 30 June 1817) AH Hānsī ; India, Hansi

Record Sources

Based on unpublished description in Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. 3. Available on British Library Digitised Manuscripts, manuscript number: MSS Eur E207/1_f009r


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