Delhi Persian 1079A (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Three treatises on sufism
Delhi Persian 1079Aa. A comprehensive treatise on Sufism during the 14th century sultanate period by Rukn al-Dīn ʻImād, also known as Rukn al-Dīn Kāshānī, written at the request of the Chishti Shaykh Burhān al-Dīn Gharīb Chishtī(d. 732/1331).
Alternatively known as Shamāʼil al-anqiyā va dalāyil al-atqiyā, for another copy of this work see IO Islamic 1322 (Ethé 1836) and Delhi Persian 1079C.
19 lines to a page; cursive nastaʻliq; rubrications; marginal comments; beginning and end very worm-eaten; copyist, Zakariyā ibn Quṭb al-Dīn of Thārah; dated 13 Shavval 1019 (29 October 1610).
The work is divided into four main sections comprising 94 numbered bayān. It is preceded by a table of contents on ff. iii-vii.
Delhi Persian 1079Ab. A treatise on the phenomenon of mass-weeping during ecstasy and weeping in private, and on other Sufi manifestations by one Abū al-Maʻālī who was probably the spiritual successor of Dāʼūd Ṣādiq(active in 1068/1658), who was himself the successor to Muḥammad Ṣādiqof the Chishti order. For another copy of the same work see IO Islamic 449 (Ethé 1924/10).
f. 275r-282r (margins of ff. 280r and 281); incomplete; 22 lines to a page; cursive nastaʻliq; 17th century.
Delhi Persian 1079Ac. A comprehensive work on the mystical state of contemplation by Valī Mulūk Shāh al-Ṣiddīqī, written at the request of a number of friends including Shaykh Farīd who can possibly be identified with the Farīd who wrote a Sufi-cabbalistic work entitled Mashhad al-vujūd in 1146/1733.
Preceded by a table of contents on ff. 280v-281v. Followed (ff. 393r-395r) by an unidentified work and verses.
ff. 282v-393r; apparently incomplete, ff. 283v-284r, 295v, 296 left blank; cursive nastaʻliq; rubrications; 18th century.
Physical Description
Loose leaves and very worm-eaten.
Leather oriental binding, stamped medallion, corners and pendants, marbled doublures. Loose boards encased in a hessian wrapper.
Oval seal of ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khan fidvī-yi Shāh ʻĀlam bādshāh ghāzī, 1150? (1737/38)
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.
Government of India
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