MS. S. Digby Or. 210 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)
Oriental Manuscripts
Simon Digby Collection
Language(s): Chaghatay
The illuminated footer on folio 1b includes the number 14, suggesting this manuscript was part of a multi-volume set. The rationale behind ordering of the bayts and ghazals in this volume requires further research. Many of the ghazals as they appear here seem to combine bayts traditionally considered to belong to different ghazals. Additionally, some of the folios are loose, and the catchwords suggest lacunae between folios 19 and 20, 27 and 28, 28 and 29, 29 and 30, and 31 and 32.
Physical Description
Single column of 12 lines per page on most pages, organised with a gap between the the poetic lines of each bayt.
Script: Fine nasta‘līq in black ink. Scribe unknown.
Illuminated headpiece and footer on folio 1b.
Section headings are illuminated in blue, red, white, and gold throughout.
Textboxes bounded with borders of blue, gold, and red.
Extensive gold border decorations on most pages except for folio 11a-b and folio 15a.
Blank space, presumably left for miniatures, on folio 8a and folio 15a.
Some notes in Persian on folio 1a and folio 32b.
Provenance and Acquisition
From the collection Simon Digby.
Donated by the Simon Digby Memorial Trust in April 2016.
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