Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Bodl. Or. 394 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: One copy of Mawlānā Luṭfī's Chaghatay Gul u Nawrūz, apparently missing the first six chapters.

Language(s): Chaghatay

Rubric: گل و نوروز کتابی‌نینك اوّلی

A note on folio 124b states that the work was originally written on تأریخ سکز یوز اون تورت = 814 AH (i.e. in 1411/2 CE) and dedicated to Sikandar Sulṭān سکندر سلطان, better known as Iskandar Mīrzā اسکندر میرزا, grandson of Amīr Temür and ruler of much of western Iran in the early 1400s CE.

Language(s): Chaghatay


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 125 folios
Dimensions (leaf): 16.5 × 11.4 cm.


Folios 81-88 are upside down.


Single column of 9 lines per page throughout.


Script: Coarse nesḫ. Scribe unknown.


Origin: Place of origin unknown. Per the colophon, this copy was completed on 10 Šawwāl 994 AH; 24 September 1586 CE: تأریخ توقوز یوز توقسان تورتدا مبارك شوّال آیی‌نینك اونونجی کونی

Provenance and Acquisition

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