Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS. Sale 31 (Bodleian Library, Oxford University)

Oriental Manuscripts

Sale Collection


Ḫamse-yi Nevʹīzāde ʹAṭā'ī

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish

Incipit: ایده لم بسملة هادی راه يوروسون قافلة حمد اله

NOTE: This record has been automatically generated with minimal modification from the corresponding entry in a printed catalogue. It may contain errors. Please, consult the References section below for more information.

The company of virgins صحبة الابکار. A mes̠nevī (see the title on fol. 68b, ln. 13) in imitation of Jāmī (comp. Nos. 894-901 and 940-946 above), composed AH 1035=AD 1625/1626 (chronogram, on fol. 70, last line). Beginning, on fol. 1b: ایده لم بسملة هادی راه يوروسون قافلة حمد اله. Copied AH 1118=AD 1706.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Incipit: بنام خداوند افلاك و خاك برآرنده گوی و چوگان تاک

NOTE: This record has been automatically generated with minimal modification from the corresponding entry in a printed catalogue. It may contain errors. Please, consult the References section below for more information.

ساقی نامه The cupbearer's book. A mes̠nevī (see fol. 79b, ln. 3 ab infra: باعث تحریك خامه و سبب نظم ساقی نامه) or عالم نما 'the world's mirror' (see Rieu, p. 195b, where an account of the author's life is given), not هفتخوان, as it is wrongly styled here on fol. 71a, composed AH 1026=AD 1617. Beginning, on fol. 71b: بنام خداوند افلاك و خاك برآرنده گوی و چوگان تاک. Copied in the same year AH 1118, month of Ṣafer=AD 1706, May-June.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Incipit: نقش پرداز لوح رنگارنگ ای نسق ساز باغ هفت اورنگ

NOTE: This record has been automatically generated with minimal modification from the corresponding entry in a printed catalogue. It may contain errors. Please, consult the References section below for more information.

هفتخوان The seven dishes. A mes̠nevī. Beginning (agreeing with that in the first Berlin copy), on fol. 106b: نقش پرداز لوح رنگارنگ ای نسق ساز باغ هفت اورنگ.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Incipit: بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم فهرس غرای کتاب کریم

NOTE: This record has been automatically generated with minimal modification from the corresponding entry in a printed catalogue. It may contain errors. Please, consult the References section below for more information.

نفحة الازهار The odour of flowers. A mes̠nevī in imitation of Niẓāmī's Maḫzenü l-esrār (see Nos. 585-595 and 600-603 above). Beginning, on fol. 163b: بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحيم فهرس غرای کتاب کریم.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Incipit: بسم الله ... فهرس غراى الخ ... ایلسون بسمله نقش مداد الخ

NOTE: This record has been automatically generated with minimal modification from the corresponding entry in a printed catalogue. It may contain errors. Please, consult the References section below for more information.

Lyrical poems, styled دیوان ادب 'the dīvān of good manners.' Beginning here, on fol. 233b, exactly the same as in the preceding mes̠nevī, viz.: بسم الله ...... فهرس غراى الخ, but the second beyt is identical with the initial line in Flügel's copy: ایلسون بسمله نقش مداد الخ. After a few verses there follows the dedication in prose to Müftī Yaḥyā Efendi (see fol. 234b, ln. 1 and 2). This dīvān contains ḳaṣīdes and taḫmīsāt, on fol. 235a; ġazels, in alphabetical order, on fol. 252b; ḳıṭʿas, chronograms, rübāʿīs, and maṭālıʿ, on fol. 286b.

Language(s): Ottoman Turkish


Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 290 folios
Dimensions (leaf): approximately 5.08 × approximately 12.7 cm.


2 columns of 25 lines per page


Script: Nestaʿlīḳ


illuminated headpiece


Origin: unknown

Provenance and Acquisition

The collections of George Sale, d. 1736.

Acquired by Thomas Hunt in 1760.

The Radcliffe Library.

Acquired by the Bodleian Library in 1872.

Record Sources


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card (for admissions procedures contact Bodleian Admissions). Contact specialcollections.enquiries@bodleian.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing



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