RAS Persian 148. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
Persian Manuscripts
1 copy of Taʼrīkh-i Nādirī by Mahdī Khān Astarābādī, fl. 1733-1759
Title: Taʼrīkh-i Nādirī
Title: تأريخ نادرى
Title: تاريخ جهانگشای نادری
Donations Register for May 19 1827. Folio 1, recto: Presented by Sir John Malcolm May 19, 1827 First opening rather crudely illuminated, with a panel above the opening of the text. Ruled margins. Headings etc. in red. On pale green European paper with watermarks.
Incipit: Bar danayan-i rumuz-i agahi
Language(s): Persian.
As for Codrington/Reade No 147.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: Folios 189
Dimensions (leaf): 11 × 7.25 in.
17 lines on a page
Brown leather Oriental binding with recessed panels with stamped designs.
Origin: Monday 5 Sha'ban A.H. 1225.
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