Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

RAS Persian 220. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)

Persian Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: 1 copy of Muntakhab al-Lughat-i Dankini (Duncani) by Muḥammad Ṣādiq ibn Muḥammad Shafī‘ Bihbahānī

Donations Register for May 19 1827. Five pages following the dictionary contain a version in verse of the story of 'Adud al-Dalah and the unjust judge, as in the Siyasatnamah, attributed to Majd al-din Muhammad al-Husayni. Pribably written by the same scribe. Second flyleaf, recto: Presented by Sir John Malcolm May 19. 1827. On pale blue European paper, watermark Gior. Magnani and device. Headings and punctuation in red. A Persian dictionary. Written for Jonathan Duncan. Dedicated to Amin al-Mulk Mumtaz al-Dawlah Jan{an?} thin Dankin Bahadur Ghazanfar Jang. Since in 1226 Jonathan Duncan had long been Governor of Bombay Storey is mistaken in deducing from the entry in Rieu that the work was written for him when he was still at Benares.

Incipit: Sipas-i bi-qiyas u sitayish-i abadiyyat-asas
Language(s): Persian.


Storey, iii, p. 46.
Rieu, ii, p. 504.
A fragment. No other noted by Storey.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: Folios 207
Dimensions (leaf): 8.5


12 lines on a page




Red leather European-style binding, presumable English with marbled doublures.


Origin: Thursday, the middle of Sha'ban 1226 (1811).

Provenance and Acquisition

Presented by Sir John Malcolm.


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