RAS Persian 283. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
Persian Manuscripts
1 copy of Dīvān-i ʻUrfī
Title: Dīvān-i ʻUrfī
Title: ديوان عرفى
Inside front cover: armorial bookplate of Gordon of Buthlaw. Ruled margins and dividing panels. On pale green paper.
Incipit: Ay mata'-i dard dar bazar-i jan andakhtah
Language(s): Persian.
Rieu, ii, p. 667.
Ethe, No 1451.
Encyclopaedia of Islam, s.v. 'Urfi Shirazi.
General Gordon's bequest of books and Turkish, Perian and Arabic manuscripts is mentioned, without details in the donations register under November 6 1841. The bequest is mentioned in J.R.A.S., vii, 1843, Annual Report, p. x, and the manuscripts are briefly listed in the Proceedings, pp. xxx-xxxi.
Physical Description
Form: codex
Extent: 243 folios
Dimensions (leaf):
21 lines to the page in double column
Brown leather European-style binding with tooled and gilt painted decoration.
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