Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Add. 3287 (University Library, Cambridge University)

Syriac Manuscripts


Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper
Extent: 109 ff.
Dimensions (leaf):
Dimensions (written):


12 quires, signed with letters, of 10 leaves, except the fist, witch has only 8, and the last of which only 1 leaf remain, there being lacuna afret f. 108


from 18 to 21 lines to the page


Written in good, regular Nestorian sertā A.D. 1699 Qudsī ibn Maqdisī Abraha ibn Ḥabib


109r Exhibits the figure of a cross with the usual inscription

Additions: Note f. 106v

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on Wright, W. : A catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts preserved in the library of the University of Cambridge. (vol 2), 1901".


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Funding of Cataloguing

Cambridge University Library


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