Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Add MS 6613 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

Additional Manuscripts

Khamsah of Niẓāmī


6 works by 2 authors on the subject of Persian poetry

1. 1v-27r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 3v The Prophet on Burāḳ guided by Jibrāīl and escorted by angels ascending the heavens. The constellations, signs of the Zodiac and the seven heavens are all depicted.

f. 12v Anūshīrvān and the owls.

f. 14v Sulṭān Sanjar and the old woman.

f. 16v The story of the hunter, the dog and the fox.

f. 19v Jesus and the dead dog.

f. 25v The youth who divulged Jamshīd's secrets to an old woman.

f. 29v Hārūn al-Rashīd and the barber.


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.
2. 27v-90r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 34r The elders pleading on behalf of Khusrau to Hurmuzd.

f. 36v Shāpūr watching a boy taking the portrait of Khusrau down from the tree for Shīrīn to look at.

f. 40r Khusrau and Shīrīn together in bed.

f. 42r Khusrau watching Shīrīn bathing.

f. 46v Khusrau and Shīrīn meeting on the hunting ground.

f. 48v Khusrau killing the lion outside Shīrīn's tent.

f. 53r Battle between Khusrau and Bahrām Chūbīn.

f. 57r Bārbad and Nīgīsa entertaining Khusrau and Shīrīn.

f. 64v Shīrīn visiting Farhād on Mt. Bisitun.


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.
3. 90v-138r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 92v The Prophet on Burāḳ ascending the heavens preceded by Jibrāīl who is holding out a flower towards a lion on a cloud. An angel (Isrāfil?) blowing a seven-headed trumpet.

f. 100r Lailā and Majnūn at school.

f. 103v Majnūn taken to the Ka'bah by his father.

f. 107r Ibn Salām watching Lailā with her companions in the palmgrove.

f. 109v The battle of the tribes.

f. 115r Lailā rejecting Ibn Salām.

f. 131v Lailā and Majnūn fainting.


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.
4. 138v-196r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 148r Bahrām Gūr killing the dragon.

f. 155r Fitneh carrying the ox on her shoulders up steps to Bahrām Gūr.

f. 159v Bahrām Gūr with the Indian Princess in the Black Pavilion.

f. 165v Bahrām Gūr with the Moorish Princess in the Yellow Pavilion.

f. 168v Bahrām Gūr with the Tartar Princess in the Green Pavilion.

f. 171v Bahrām Gūr with the Russian Princess in the Red Pavilion.

f. 175v Bahrām Gūr with the Princess of Khvarazm in the Blue Pavilion.

f. 180v Bahrām Gūr with the Chinese Princess in the Sandalwood Pavilion.

f. 184v Bahrām Gūr with the Greek Princess in the White Pavilion.

f. 189v Bahrām Gūr and the shepherd who hanged his dog.


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.
5. 196v-264r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 208r Iskandar celebrating his victory over the Zangis (Habashis).

f. 219v Iskandar comforting the dying Dārā.

f. 232r Iskandar entertained by Nūshābeh.

f. 244r The Khāḳān of Chīn brought bound before Iskandar.

f. 246r Iskandar entertained by the Khāḳān of Chīn.

f. 252r Iskandar's battle with the Russians.

f. 261v Iskandar and an angel observing Khiẓr and Ilyās putting the dried fish into the Water of Life.


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.
6. 264v-300r ff
Language(s): Persian

f. 274r Hurmus hypnotising the sages who had gathered to defeat him in debate. (Inscription eulogising the patron of the Ms., Abu'l-Ḥasan Mīrzā and also stating that the miniature was completed by Ṭālib in 1077).


For a more detailed description see Rieu 1876-83, page 572.
For a more detailed description see Titley 1977, page 136-137.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 300 ff
Dimensions (leaf): 10.75


41 Miniatures

5 ‘Unvāns

Gold-ruled border


Origin: Rabi’ II 1076 AH

Provenance and Acquisition

This manuscript was written for Tājā Mīrzā Abu al-Ḥasanā تاجا میرزا ابو الحسنا

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on Ch. Rieu: Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the British Museum. London, 1879-1883


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BL Digitised Manuscripts (full digital facsimile)

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