Add MS 7801 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
Additional Manuscripts
1 copy of Jarūnnāmah by Qadrī
A mas̲navī on the taking of Jarūn (Hormuz) from the Portuguese by Imām Qūlī Khān
Imām Qūlī Khān, son and successor of Allāh Virdī Khān, Beglerbegi of the Province of Fars, captured Hormuz, after a seige of two months, in the 36th year of the reign of Shāh ‘Abbās I, which is AH 1032 or AD 1622
Subsequent addition folios 59-65 contains a record of the cruel execution of that general and children by Shāh Ṣafī, which took place in AH 1043 or AD 1633
Appended is a fragment of a poem on Shīrīn and Khusraw, folios 66-70
Physical Description
One ʿunwān
Four gold-ruled columns
10 miniatures
f. 11v Imām Ḳulī Khān with Allahvirdī Khān (damaged).
f. 15v Shah 'Abbās with Imām Ḳulī Khān.
f. 43r Imām Ḳulī Khān's soldiers in boats repulsed by the Portuguese at Hurmuz.
f. 44v The taking of Hurmuz (1623) by Imām Ḳulī Khān and his army. (Latin inscription round the fortress).
f. 48r The blazing Hurmuz defended by Portuguese.
f. 49r Imām Ḳulī Khān in a boat.
f. 58r Imām Ḳulī Khān meeting a Portuguese deputation (damaged).
f. 60v The survivors mourning the members of their family who were executed (1633).
f. 61v Imām Ḳulī Khān taking leave of his sons before they were executed.
f. 62r Imām Ḳulī Khān's death mourned by his family. (Inscription "azīz-i mīr" over his favourite wife.)
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BL Digitised Manuscripts (full digital facsimile)
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