Delhi Persian 1311 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous Sufi and Shi‘a poetry, 15 items (a-o)
Language(s): Persian, Arabic, Urdu
Delhi Persian 1311a.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in the tarjīʿband, murabbaʿ, mukhammas, musaddas form, in praise or commemoration of the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Qāsim [al-Anvār], Shams Tabrīzī, Ṭāhir, and Mullā Kāshī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311b.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Afchangī and Fayz̤ī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311c.
Untitled Urdu supplicatory poem addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, in mukhammas form, by a poet whose takhalluṣ is not indicated.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311d.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes including compositions by or ascribed to Ḥāfiẓ (Shīrāzī?).
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311e.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Muḥammad ibn Ḥusām [al-Dīn Khūsifī], Anvarī, Jalālī, Sīdī/Sayyidī Sabzpūsh, Muḥibb ʿAlī, Shāh Kāshī, Ātishī, and Ḥamzah Kūchak.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311f.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Kāshī, ʿAbd al-ʿAlī, and ʿAlī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311g.
Untitled Urdu supplicatory poem addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, in the tarjīʿband form, by a poet whose takhalluṣ is identified as Dāʾim.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311h.
Untitled collection of selected eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Tarjīʿband, Amīrī, tarjīʿband of Saʿdī, Anvarī, Firāqī, Aḥmad Jāmī, Yādgār, Qāsim [al-Anvār], Shams (Dede?), Firdawsī, Mufākhir Rāzī, Asadī Ṭūsī, Khāqānī, Ḥasan Kāshī, Ṭughrā, Rafīʿ, and Āqā Muḥammad Ṭāhir.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311i.
Untitled Urdu supplicatory poem addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, in the tarjīʿband form, by a poet whose takhalluṣ is identified as . Murād
Urdu text flowing over the last folio (73v) has been expunged and written over with Arabic ḥadīs̲ passages in naskh.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311j.
Untitled collection of selected supplicatory poems and eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Yādgār, Afchangī, Jaʿfar, Mullā Saʿīd, Mullā Sanāʾī, Vāḥid, Qāsim Kāhī, Saʿdī, Fuz̤ūlī, Kākī, Shams Tabrīzī, Mīrzā Ṣābir ʿAlī, Āz̲arī, Kamāl, Firdawsī Ṭūsī, Mihr ʿAlī, ʿAlī, [Mīr Yaḥyá] Kāshī, S̲anāʾī, Ḥaydar, Riz̤āʾ, [Muḥammad] ibn Ḥusām [al-Dīn Khūsifī], ʿAṭṭār, Hādī, Anvarī, Mīrzā Rafīʿ, Fārigh, and Jāmī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311k.
Untitled collection of Urdu supplicatory poems addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, in the mukhammas and ghazal forms, by poets identified by takhalluṣ as Khākī and Yūsuf ʿAlī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311l.
Untitled collection of selected supplicatory poems and eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Khāqānī, Naẓīrī, Kashfī, Jaʿfar, Salīmī, Mawlānā Shams al-Dīn, Bābā Fighānī, Khurramī, Ḥusām Ḥalabī, Bābā Salīmī Qalandar, Khādimī, Afshangī (Afchangī?), Kamāl Ghiyās̲, and Shams Tabrīzī.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311m.
Untitled collection selected from an anthology described in a concluding subscription as the Bayāz̤-i Mīrzā Muḥammad ʿAlī, that is, Muḥammad ʿAlī Lāhijī takhalluṣ Ḥazīn (d. 1180/1766), comprising eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Ṭughrā, Asad Allāh, ʿArshī, Jalāl Asīr, Ḥāfiẓ, Miskīn, Aḥmad Jāmī, Shafīʿ, Hāshimī, Ikhlāṣ, Khvājah Qanbar, Khāliṣ, Shāh ʿAlī Qalandar, Ḥamzah Kūchak, Ātishī, Maktūbī, and Madhūsh.
Remnants of original foliation on verso.
Defective at beginning.
Hands ranging from small shikastah āmīz, scribal and calligraphic nastaʿlīq.
Three tight columns of bayt units written obliquely and horizontally.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311n.
Untitled Dakhinī Urdu supplicatory poem addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, in the mukhammas form, by a poet whose identity is obscured by a paper patch repairing a wormhole.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1311o.
Untitled collection of selected supplicatory poems and eulogies or manqabat in various forms and genres praising or commemorating the Prophet Muḥammad, the Twelve Imams and related narrative episodes, including compositions by or ascribed to Asīr, Fayz̤, Amīr Khusraw, Fakhr-i Nisāʾ, Ghulām ʿAlī, Ghavvāṣī, Ḥāfiẓ Shīrāzī, Shams Tabrīzī, Qāsim Kāhī, Niʿmat Allāh, Anvarī, Salmān, Anvarī, Mulāzim, Salīm, Shūkhī, and Saʿdī Shīrāzī.
The collection is defective at end.
Not dated at end.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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