Delhi Persian 1368A (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous poetic and historical fragments, 7 items (a-g)
Language(s): Persian and Arabic
Delhi Persian 1368Aa.
Untitled collection of lyrics or ghazalīyāt in alphabetic order by the poet, Khvājah Ḥusayn Jūshqānī Kāshānī takhalluṣ Vaḥshatī (d. 1013/1604), who famously satirised his contemporary Ṭahmāsp Qulī Bayg Yazdī takhalluṣ ʿArshī.
The text on folio 2r is oddly repeated on folio 1r.
The work is a composite of two sections, folios 32-43 consist of the ‘older’ calligraphic portion, preceded by folios 1-31 that are ‘later’ replacements.
Not dated at end. The ‘older’ portion is dateable to the early eighteenth century.
Rough shikastah āmīz in watery ink for the newer portion, and finer calligraphic shikastah in the older.
Brown tinted paper throughout.
Delhi Persian 1368Ab.
Selections by an unnamed compiler from the mas̲navī Tuḥfat al-aḥrārby Jāmī.
Not dated at end.
The text is arranged into four columns of loosely-transcribed rough shikastah āmīz written obliquely, on larger sheets of paper that have been folded along the left outer edge.
Crude drawings of a bust in profile at the end.
Distinct water stains.
Delhi Persian 1368Ac.
Selections by an unnamed compiler from the mas̲navī Shīrīn va Khusrawby Niẓāmī.
Not dated at end.
The opening lines of a composition by ʿUrfī Shīrāzī written in response to the Makhzan al-asrārby Niẓāmī are quoted after the main work.
The text is arranged into four columns of loosely-transcribed rough shikastah āmīz written obliquely, on larger sheets of paper that have been folded along the left outer edge.
Distinct water stains.
Delhi Persian 1368Ad.
Selections by an unnamed compiler from the mas̲navī Tuḥfat al-ʿIrāqaynby Khāqānī.
Not dated at end.
The text is arranged into four columns of loosely-transcribed rough shikastah āmīz written obliquely, on larger sheets of paper that have been folded along the left outer edge.
Distinct water stains.
Delhi Persian 1368Ae.
Untitled eulogy or manqabat in ghazal form addressing the caliph and Imam ʿAlī, by Mīr Shams al-Dīn ʿAbbāsī Dihlavī takhalluṣ Faqīr and Maftūn (d. 1183/1769).
Not dated at end.
The text is arranged into four columns of loosely-transcribed rough shikastah āmīz written obliquely, on larger sheets of paper that have been folded along the left outer edge.
Distinct water stains.
Delhi Persian 1368Af.
Excerpt from an untitled historical account of the attack on the temples at Somnath in Gujarat by the Ghaznavid ruler, Sulṭān Maḥmūd (d. 1030).
The treatise compares various references from versified accounts, such as that by Niẓāmī.
The treatise breaks off abruptly without conclusion.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1368Ag.
Untitled collection of lyrics or ghazalīyāt in alphabetic order followed by the quatrains or rubāʿīyāt of the Sufi and poet, Mīrzā Faṣīḥī Anṣārī Hiravī (d. 1037/1628), a descendent of the saint and poet, Khvājah Abū Ismāʿīl ʿAbd Allāh Anṣārī (d. 481/1088). Faṣīḥī was the teacher of several poet-companions of Shāh ʿAbbās I and his governors to Khurasan and Herat, including the poets Shifāʾī Iṣfahānī, Nāẓim Hiravī, Asīr Shahristānī, and Darvīsh Vālih.
Defective at beginning and end.
Not dated at end.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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