Delhi Persian 249 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Miscellaneous poems on Islamic doctrine and Sufism, 3 items (a-c)
Language(s): Persian and Arabic
Delhi Persian 249a.
Rare theological treatise in mas̲navī form (consisting of 3000 couplets) propounding Sunnī doctrines in accordance with the ideas of Abū al-Ḥasan al-Ashʿarī(d. 324/936), by Shaykh Maḥmūd Shabistarī(d. 720/1320) writing in 700/1301.
The poem comprises eight bāb, each subdivided by three faṣl, and is based on a prose recension.
Not dated at end. Dateable to the late fifteenth century.
Ghazal by Masʿūd Saʿd Salmānadded on the opening folio (1r), by a later owner.
Delhi Persian 249b.
Sufi treatise in mas̲navī form on the principles of mysticism by Shaykh Maḥmūd Shabistarī (d. 720/1320).
Not dated at end.
Rough nastaʿlīq.
Annotations and corrections in margins.
Delhi Persian 249c.
Sufi treatise in mas̲navī form on aspects of obedience to Islam tenets composed over the course of six months in 709/1309 by Shaykh Maḥmūd Chishtī( Chishtarī[sic]), intended for the guidance of requesting friends.
Not dated at end.
This is followed by a densely written note on Islamic ritual.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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