Delhi Persian 268 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
1 copy of Sirr al-jalīl fī masʾalat al-tafz̤īl by Ḥasan ibn Amān Allāh al-Dihlavī ʿAẓīmābādī
Twelver Shīʿah polemic treatise on cosmogony, the divine order, the significance of prophecy and the imamate by Ḥasan ibn Amān Allāh al-Dihlavī ʿAẓīmābādī, written in response to the Sirr al-jalīl fī masʾalat al-tafz̤īl by the Sunnī muḥaddis̲, Shāh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz ibn Aḥmad Valī Allāh ʿUmarī Dihlavī (d. 1239/1824), written following his earlier work Tuḥfah-'i Is̲nāʾ ʿAsharīyah.
The work was dedicated on completion to the Qājār ruler of Iran, Fatḥ ʿAlī Shāh(d. 1250/1834), in 1246/1830.
Colophon (f. 261v): completed by Aṣghar ʿAlī(not dated).
Rulings in red lead have entirely oxidised at the beginning and end, giving the false impression of silver.
Rough scribal nastaʿlīq by several hands.
Stamped foliation.
Brown painted and tooled leather binding damaged and detached.
Folios loose and unbound; water and fungal stains.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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