Delhi Persian 733 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
1 copy of Manāqib Ḥaydarīyah by Muḥammad Rashīd al-Dīn Khān Dihlavī
Hagiographic treatise in Arabic extolling the virtues and miracles of the Imām and Caliph ʿAlī ibn Abū Ṭālibby Mawlavī Muḥammad Rashīd al-Dīn Khān Dihlavī, who dedicates his work to the reigning king of independent Avadh (Awadh, Oudh), Abū al-Ẓafar Ghāzī al-Dīn Ḥaydar.
Not dated at end.
Condition poor.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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