Delhi Persian 965 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Ilhamat-i Qudsi
1 copy of Gulistān by ʻAbd al-Karīm Qudsī Anṣārī
A series of edifying stories, some of mystical character, each introduced by the words سند است and ending with a moral in verse. The author appears to be ʻAbd al-Karīm Qudsī Anṣārī. Incomplete at end. 17th century.
The margins contain a numbers of different works:
ff. 1r-19r: a collection of verses existing of two short masnavis, a number of quatrains and single lines by an unamed author, possibly ʻAbd al-Karīm Anṣārī, 17th century;
ff. 27v-28v: the beginning of a commentary of the Gulistānof Saʻdīby an unnamed author, 19th century;
ff. 33v-48r: Tuḥfah-i Sulṭānīyah(تحفهٔ سلطانیه) by Ḥasan ibn Gul Muḥammad, an incomplete manual of the art of letter-writing with numerous specimens, 18th century.
Physical Description
Half-leather red India Office binding, 9 Nov. 1912.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
Record Sources
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