Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Or 16987/1-35 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Dalhousie papers, 35 items


Summary of Contents: Collection of 35 items (provenance documentation, correspondence, and a marriage certificate) associated with a descendent of John Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie, later Governor-General of India. Items of heterogeneous origins and type dated, ranging 20 Ramaz̤ān 1239-29 Ṣafar 1257/19 May 1824-22 April 1841. Purchased from auction house Bonhams London (25 April 2017, lot 56) through John Randall.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic, English, Marathi, Punjabi

1. Portfolio
Language(s): English

Or 16987/1.

Untitled portfolio (Bonhams logo) containing: 1) invoice of Bonhams invoice; 2) invoice of John Randall; 3) two sheets of genealogy of the Earls of Dalhousie (Ramsay family); 4) seller’s annotations on the genealogy of the Ewart/Ramsay and Denham families.

Dimensions: 304 x 216 mm.

2. Wrapper

Or 16987/2.

Wrapper relating to sets of correspondence (Ranjit Singh, Maratha, Bhopal, Sindh, and Kabul groups).

Folded paper wrapper for the consignment of correspondence, contents listed as: Original letters to Cap. Barnes from… Maharaja Runjeet Sing… The Chief of Bhawalpour… The Ameers of Sinde… The Chief of Caboul… The Brother of the Chief of Caboul… A Seik Chief – sent for Genl. Ramsay – [signed: Burnes].

Watermark: escutcheon with frontal crowned bird over a castellated tower… Al Masso [no date].

Dimensions: 423 x 318 mm.

Language(s): English
3. Bifolium

Or 16987/3.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Single bifolium.

English transcript of letter, labelled: From Lord Dalhousie to Moharaja Runjeet Sing ruler of the Punjab. See letter (item Or 16987/8) for original Persian text.

Original signed by W M Ramsay.

Not dated.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 322 x 201 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
4. Bifolium

Or 16987/4.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Single bifolium.

English transcript of letter addressed to Ranjīt Singh from George IV (?).

Original signed Ellenborough.

Dated Indian Board, 31 June 1830.

Labelled: From His Majesty King of England to His Highness Moharaja Runjeet Singh.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 321 x 201 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: Ellenborough
5. Bifolium

Or 16987/5.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Single bifolium.

English transcript of letter addressed to I Prinsip Esquire from W M Ramsay, labelled: From Per[sia]n In[terprete]r [to the] C. in C. to Sec[retar]y to Government concerning Nuzur given by mission from Runjeet Sing… 23d April.

Originally signed by I Prinsip (Sec[retar]y to the Gov[erno]r Gen[era]l).

Dated Simla, 23d April 1831.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 322 x 203 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
6. Sheet

Or 16987/6.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Single sheet.

English transcript of inventory, labelled: Valuation of articles retained by His excellency Com[mande]r. In Chief from those presented by mission from Runjeet Sing.

Original signed by W M Ramsay.

Not dated.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval.

Dimensions: 322 x 204 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
7. Bifolium

Or 16987/7.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Single bifolium.

English transcript of letter addressed to Captain Ramsay, labelled: Prinsip 27th June… concerning C[ommander]. In C[hief]. acceptance of presents from nations.

Original signed by I A Prinsip.

Dated Shimla, 27th June 1831.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 322 x 203 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: I A Prinsip
8. Scroll

Or 16987/8.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter, faintly labelled in Persian on reverse: Ranjīt Singh. See letter (item Or 16987/3) for English translation.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 500 x 194 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
9. scroll

Or 16987/9.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter (kharīṭah) addressed to Lārd Ṣāḥib ( Major-General John Ramsay?).

Dated: 11 Shavvāl 1252 equating to 19 January 1836 ʿayn (ʿĪsavī).

Dimensions: 619 x 206 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Sanskrit
10. Slip

Or 16987/10.  

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Paper slip.

Persian label relating to a kharīṭah (see item Or 16987/9) addressed to Major-General John Ramsay Ṣāḥib Bahādur.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 77 x 165 mm.

Language(s): Arabic and Persian
11. Scroll tube

Or 16987/11a.  

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Sealed paper tube for scroll, formerly containing illuminated letter or khaṭṭ-i kharīṭah.

Labelled: Maharaja Ranjit Sing[’]s letter… (partial seal impression in Gurmukhi).

Not dated.

Torn on right side; traces of red thread (see red brocaded silk bag with fraying internal seams, item Or 16987/12).

Dimensions: 268 x 36 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic, English, and Punjabi
12. Scroll

Or 16987/11b.  

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Illuminated paper scroll, comprising a Persian letter attributed to the authorship of Mahārājah Ranjīt Singh, ruler of the Punjab.

This official letter or khaṭṭ-i kharīṭah is addressed to Lafanat (sic) Iskand[ar] Bārns Ṣāḥib Bahādur( Lieutenant Alexander Burnes, d. 1257/1841). It grants him permission to inspect at will all dwellings and fortresses, with the confirmation that the dīvān, Harī Singh Qandahārī, will be informed accordingly. After several polite expressions of friendship, the latter half of the letter focusses on a surprising report of ill conduct by the (unnamed) thānah dār of Dera Ghazi Khanagainst the Lieutenant, due either to Harī Singh’s absence or negligence. As a result, the thānah dār will be chastised, removed from service, and sent to apologise personally. The text ends at this point initially, marked with the word faqaṭ. This is followed by an addendum containing the assurance of continued esteem and friendship for the Lieutenant.

Not dated. See item Or 16987/11a.

Comment: It is odd that the scribe’s somewhat garbled rendition of the recipient’s name on the letter and paper tube (see item Or 16987/11a) has been left uncorrected, given the official status of the letter. Combined with the two-part structure of the letter’s composition, the irregular cutting of the scroll from an existing stock of illuminated paper, the absence of rulings, or the ruler’s monogram, these features may indicate the letter was written in haste and without great planning. That it remained unopened in the recipient’s collection may further suggest the letter’s intent or even contents had been disclosed (perhaps verbally), or that matters had moved on swiftly enough to diminish the letter’s importance.

Highly burnished thin oriental paper adorned with irregular large and finer flecks of gold foil, further embellished by sparse flower heads roughly painted in gold. Tall rectangular sheet with irregularly-cut edges; folds and creases.

Dimensions: 620 x 263 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
13. Bag

Or 16987/12.  

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Red brocaded silk bag of large coloured repeated floral motifs.

Drawstring, tassels and wax seal missing.  

Fraying fibres of internal seams (see Persian scroll, items Or 16987/11a-b).

Dimensions: 285 x 65 mm.

14. Bag

Or 16987/13.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Red brocaded silk bag of large coloured repeated floral motifs.

Drawstring, tassels and wax seal missing.  

Dimensions: 287 x 65 mm.

15. Scroll

Or 16987/14.

Correspondence: Ranjit Singh group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter, labelled: Fatah Singh of Thapur – Talah… A Seik Chief.  

Dated: Sitambar 1252/September 1836.

Dimensions: 457 x 177 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
16. Bifolium

Or 16987/15.

Correspondence: Maratha group.

Single bifolium.

English transcript of letter, labelled: From His excellency Sir Edward Burnes C in Chief to Moharaja Jungoojee Raw of Scindia Congratulating him on his accession to the Gudhee.

Original signed by W M Ramsay.

Not dated.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 320 x 202 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
17. Sheet

Or 16987/16.

Correspondence: Maratha group.

Single sheet.

English transcript of letter, labelled: From Moharaja Jungoojee Raw Scindia Raja of Gwalior to His excellency Sir Edward Barnes Com[mande]r. in Chief.

Original signed by W M Ramsay.

Not dated.

Watermarked paper: W Warren 1837.

Dimensions: 322 x 203 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
18. Sheet

Or 16987/17.

Correspondence: Maratha group.

Single sheet.

English transcript of letter, labelled: From Baee of Daulut Raw to Commander in Chief. See letter (item Or 16987/19) for original Persian text.

Original signed by W M Ramsay.

Not dated.

Watermarked paper: Britannia or Minerva in crowned oval, not dated.

Dimensions: 321 x 202 mm.

Language(s): English
Author: W M Ramsay
19. Scroll

Or 16987/18.

Correspondence: Maratha group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter addressed to Navvāb Ṣāḥib (?).

Dated: 21 Ṣafar 1249/10 July 1833.

Subscribed along right margin in Modi script.

Upper fold frayed.

Dimensions: 621 x 208 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic, and Marathi
20. Scroll

Or 16987/19.

Correspondence: Maratha group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter addressed to Mahārājah Ṣāḥib ( Jankoji Shinde), labelled: ba-nām-i Jankūjī. See letter (item Or 16987/17) for English translation.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 245 x 211 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
21. Scroll

Or 16987/20.

Correspondence: Bhopal group.

Folded paper scroll.

Illuminated Persian letter, faintly labelled: Munnī (?) Baygum.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 390 x 168 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
22. Scroll

Or 16987/21.

Correspondence: Sindh group.

Folded paper scroll.

Persian letter, labelled: Mir Nur Muhamd[sic] of Haidarabad… The Chief of Sinde .

Not dated.

Torn at top (see sealed and dated envelop with tear, item Or 16987/22).

Dimensions: 401 x 212 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
23. Scroll tube

Or 16987/22.

Correspondence: Sindh group.

Paper scroll tube to Persian letter addressed to Captain Alexander Burnes, labelled.

Side A: 1) Chief of Sinde, Nour Muhomed Khan; 2) Persian seal impression; 3) date of dispatch: Friday, 29 Ṣafar 1257/22 April 1841.

Side B: ba-muṭāliʿah-'i… (?) …shahāmat-i basālat panāh ahliyat va masāʿat iktināh dūstī-'i muvaddat āgāh Kaptān Iskandar Barns ḥifẓuhu Allāh taʿālá… mawṣūl bād.

Torn on left side (see item Or 16987/21).

Dimensions: 44 x 256 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
24. Scroll

Or 16987/23.

Correspondence: Sindh group.

Vertically folded paper scroll.

Persian letter addressed to Alexander Burnes, labelled: Mir Rustam Amir of Khair Pur.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 375 x 206 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
25. Scroll tube

Or 16987/24.

Correspondence: Sindh group.

Paper scroll tube to Persian letter addressed to Captain Alexander Burns, labelled.

Side A: 1) Mir Rustam Khan, the Chief of Myrpour in Sinde; 2) ba-muṭāliʿah-'i… (?) … basālat-i shahāmat martabat, ḥashamat va shawkat manzilat, ubbahat va maʿālī dastgāh, khuṣūsīyat va mukhālaṣat āgāh, ʿumdat al-vukalāy Iskandar Barns Bahādur ḥifẓuhu [Allāh]… dar āyad.

Side B: 1) dar javāb; 2) Persian seal impression, date of dispatch: d[ār] al-surūr Khayrpūr, 25 Z̲ī Qaʿdah 1246/7 May 1831.

Dimensions: 52 x 312 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
26. Scroll

Or 16987/25.

Correspondence: Kabul group.

Folded paper scroll.

Persian letter, labelled: Amir Dost Muhamd[sic] … the Chief of Kabul reached Bahawalpur .

Not dated.

Dimensions: 380 x 244 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
27. Scroll

Or 16987/26.

Correspondence: Kabul group.

Folded paper scroll.

Persian letter, labelled: Jabbar Khan of Kabul reached Bahawalpur… The Brother of the reigning Ameer.

Not dated.

Dimensions: 543 x 255 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
28. Scroll

Or 16987/27.

Correspondence: Kabul group.

Folded paper scroll.

Persian letter addressed to Alexander Burnes, labelled: Bahawalpur khan the chief of Dandpatan occupying the left hand of the united streams Hasudrus[sic] & Hyphasis .

Not dated.

Dimensions: 555 x 239 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic and English
29. Map

Or 16987/28.

Topographical map relating to the route to Kandahar via the Khojak Pass (south west Pakistan).

Copied from a sketch by Lt. Crispin2nd L C.

Dated: 1839.

Dimensions: 231 x 161 mm.

Language(s): English
30. Bag

Or 16987/29.

Buff gauze bag, formerly containing the set of five silk letter bags (kharīṭah), along with attached and detached seals.

Dimensions: 337 x 116 mm.

31. Bag

Or 16987/30.

Broad orange brocaded silk bag of horizontal bands of silver thread, cotton lining (with a brown ink stain).

Drawstring and tassels missing, wax seal missing.

Tarnishing along edges; minor losses of silver bands on one side.

Dimensions: 267 x 103 mm.

32. Bag

Or 16987/31.

Broad red brocaded silk bag of small coloured repeated floral motifs in tight rows.

Drawstring, tassels and wax seal missing.

Dimensions: 289 x 109 mm.

33. Bag, wax seal

Or 16987/32.

Red brocaded silk bag of coloured repeated floral motifs, yellow piping at mouth. Drawstrings of green, red, and yellow twisted threads ending in tassels, passed through a red oval wax seal.

Seal of Persian nastaʿlīq with Marathi legend (not deciphered).

Dimensions (bag): 264 x 98 mm.  

Dimensions (seal): 59 mm.

Language(s): Persian, Arabic, and Marathi
34. Seal

Or 16987/33.

Detached circular red wax seal with multi-coloured drawstrings attached.

Legend in Devanagari (not deciphered).

Dimensions (seal): 52 mm.

Language(s): Marathi
35. Seal

Or 16987/34.

Detached irregular square red wax seal with multi-coloured drawstrings attached, partial impression.

English legend transliterated in Persian script (not deciphered).

Dimensions (seal): 68 x 67 mm.

Language(s): Persian and English
36. Scroll

Or 16987/35.

Flattened paper scroll in glass frame (now discarded).

Illuminated marriage certificate ( kābīn'nāmah) of the Timurid or Mughal Prince, Mīrzā Kay Qubād Bahādur the Ṣāḥib-i ʿĀlam, son of Emperor Muḥammad Akbar II.

Witness statements along the right margin.

Dated: 20 Ramaz̤ān 1239/19 May 1824.

Dimensions: 640 x 360 mm.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Paper, gold and silver foils/pigments, wax or resin, cotton and silk brocades with metal threads
Extent: 36 items



Origin: 20_Ramazan_1239-29_Safar_1257 (19 May 1824 - 22 April 1841) AHKabul, Kandahar, Bhopal, Gwalior, Sindh, Shimla, Lahore, Delhi ; India and Afghanistan

Provenance and Acquisition


Purchased from auction house Bonhams London (25 April 2017, lot 56)


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