Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

RSPA 92 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Jones Collection

Royal Society Arabic and Persian

A commentary on Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sajāwandī's Kitāb al-Farāʼiḍ


1 copy of al-Farāʾiḍ al-sharīfiyyah fī sharḥ al-sirājiyyah by al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī, ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad

Language(s): Arabic

Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ... قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم تعلّموا الفرائض وعلّموها الناس فإنها نصف العلم هكذا رواية الفقهاء فالفرائض جمع فريضة وهي ما قُدّر من السهام في الميراث.
Explicit: والله أعلم بالصواب وإليه المرجع والمطاب.
Colophon: قد تم هذا الكتاب المستطاب بعون الملك الوهاب المسمى بالفرائض الشريفية في شرح السراجية للعلامة السيد الشريف الجرجاني طاب ثراه على يد أضعف العباد حاج الحرمين الشريفين الحاج عبد الله المكي وهذا بأمر مخدومنا سر وليم يونس الذي هو أحد حكام العدالة العالية السلطانية بجار الأمارة كلكتة المحمية يوم الأحد المبارك الثامن والعشرون من شهر ذي القعدة الحرام سنة خمس ومايتين وألف من الهجرة المحمدية

A commentary on Sirāj al-Dīn al-Sajāwandī's Kitāb al-Farāʼiḍ.

The text is very well annotated. Of particular interest are Jones's notations about his reading, e.g. f74r "28th August 1792, Crishna-Nagar" which tell us when and where he read the text.

William Jones wrote a title page (signed 'WJ') on f1r: "Al-Shaīfiyyah: or, A Commentary on the Sirājiyyah, by Sayyad Sharīf. Three times read attentively W.J.". Previously, he had written "twice" read but this is crossed out.

Also on the title page (f1r) we find a note, "Indigofera (Linn. it sh.d be) / Indica (since Indicum was the ancient name of Indigo) / Nīla : since Indicum was the anct. name of Indigo" followed by the note "Property established by Muhammad. So Kurān, see Lacid & milc".

Jones also wrote marginal notes to show Qurʾānic quotations.

He wrote many explanatory notes for himself, both in Arabic and English (e.g. on land as property ff9r-10v, which includes transliterations of relevant sections).

Throughout the text, there are marginal equations made by Jones to explain/exemplify the formulae described by al-Jurjānīin the MS.

He sometimes translates whole sections of the text, e.g. on freedom in f41v.

There are some annotations which show how Jones understands the text as it applies to his surroundings, e.g. f45v in which he notes "hence, حرام زان".

On f164v, he draws a line underneath the explicit before the colophon and notes "30 Aug 1792: Finished the third careful reading of this book."

Translation of the colophon: "This pleasant book, called al-Faraʾiḍ al-sharīfiyyah fī sharḥ al-sirājiyyahand writted by al-Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī, was completed with the help of al-Malik al-Wahhāb [=Allah, The King who Bestows]. Its great riches were rendered by the hands of His most humble servant, Ḥajj ʿAbd Allāh al-Makkīin the employ and at the request of Sir William Jones who is one of the High Chief Judges in the district of Kolkata. Monday, 28th Dhū ʼl-Qaʿdah 1205AH."

On f165v, he has transcribed (unsigned) the following from Pietro della Valle's Lettere da Basra: "Vidi nella piazza un asino salvatico overo Onagro, piccolo, che in casa del Bascià per galanteria si nudriva: era di forma come tutti gli altri asini, ma di color più chiaro: e dalla testa alla coda nel fila della schiene gli correva una riga di peli bionde, come d'un caval falbo carica di colore ed in correre ed in saltare si vedeva esser molto più leggiero degli asini domestici".

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Strong European paper used throughout. Paper bears watermarks "GR" with a crown and "Taylor". MS paper is partially burnished; text located on burnished section of the page. At the end of the MS there are two additional white rules pages bearing the watermarks "WK" with a fleur-de-lis inside a shield underneath a crown and "W. KING ALTON MILL".
Extent: ff.ii+165+ii+ii
Dimensions (leaf): 320 × 230 mm.
Dimensions (written): 210 × 115 mm.

European numerals in pencil.


Text is collated in regular anomalous quires of eight singletons with guards between each quire.


Manuscript is in very good condition. The text is complete.

There are minor rips ff99-101 along the outer edges of the folios.


Uniform layout of fourteen written lines in one column on each side of the folio. Elongation markers are used to justify the columns.


Very clear black naskh script with occasional rubrications.



Catchwords present throughout.

William Jones has made copious annotations and notes.


Standard half-leather India Office binding (black/maroon coloured) with wine-coloured marbled endpapers.

Accompanying Material


Origin: 28_Dhūʼl-Qaʿdah_1205 AH; 29 July 1791 CE ; India

Provenance and Acquisition

RSPA 1-118 were presented to the Royal Society in January 1792 by Sir William and Lady Jones. MS RSPA 92 was presented by Lady Jones, according to the Wilkins Catalogue.

The Royal Society's collection of 280 Persian and Arabic, and 86 Sanskrit manuscripts were transferred to the India Office Library in 1876.


India Office Library

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on E. Denison Ross and E. G. Browne, Catalogue of two collections of Persian and Arabic manuscripts preserved in the India Office Library (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1902), p.63 no.XCII


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