Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

RSPA 64 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Jones Collection

Royal Society Arabic and Persian


Third volume of Bustān-i Khayāl

Language(s): Persian

Incipit: بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم. ابتدای سخن بنام خداست *** که کریم و رحیم و راه نماست
Explicit: بر ایشان غضب کردم حلال جمع این پیادگان کزد بکرد

This is the third in a series of seven volumes of the Bustān-i Khayāl in the Jones collection.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Thin, white, burnished paper.
Extent: ii+220+ii
Dimensions (leaf): 220 × 160 mm.

European numerals in pencil


Serious worm damage.


Poetry in two columns. Majority of text is prose.


Fine black nastaʿlīq with rubrications. The second, minute, hand takes over at f205v.




Red leather European-style Indian binding.

Accompanying Material


Origin: 1770 - 1792 CE ; India

Provenance and Acquisition

RSPA 1-118 were presented to the Royal Society in January 1792 by Sir William and Lady Jones. These manuscripts were presented by Lady Jones.

The Royal Society's collection of 280 Persian and Arabic, and 86 Sanskrit manuscripts were transferred to the India Office Library in 1876.


India Office Library

Record Sources

Manuscript description based on E. Denison Ross and E. G. Browne, Catalogue of two collections of Persian and Arabic manuscripts preserved in the India Office Library (London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1902), p.55 no. LXII-LXVII*


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Funding of Cataloguing



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