Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1375C (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Poetry and prose of Ni‘mat Khan ‘Ali, 6 items (a-f)


Summary of Contents: Compendious collection or kullīyāt of prose and poetic compositions in varied forms and genres by the physician, historian, litterateur, prose stylist, and poet, Mīrzā Nūr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥakīm Fatḥ al-Dīn Shīrāzī entitled Niʿmat Khān, Muqarrab Khān, and Dānishmand Khān, takhalluṣ ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I. Volume not dated; item b dated 8 Ramaz̤ān 1222/9 November 1807. Nastaʿlīq and shikastah āmīz. Metrical and prosodic annotations in margins by a bold hand. Persian foliation, intermittent foliation in pencil. Lacking original binding. Paper dust wrapper (BEIC legal publication on Act XXVI: J. C. Sherriff, Bengal Military Orphan Press, Calcutta, 1850); partial watermarks (T H Saunders & Co, 1849); creased, torn and stained. Folios mostly unbound; severely damaged at beginning; water stains; severe wormhole damage, cropped, stains. Condition fragile.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic

1. ff. 1v-105v
Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Delhi Persian 1375C a.

Untitled collection of lyrics or ghazalīyāt, in alphabetic order, by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I.

Not dated at end.

Author: ʿĀlī عالى
2. ff. 105v-124r
Author: ʿĀlī عالى

Delhi Persian 1375C b.

Untitled collection of eulogies or qaṣāʾid by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I.

Dated colophon (f. 123v-124r): completed in muḥallah Sobhā Bāzār in the city of Calcutta, Saturday night (Sunday), 24 Māgh 1214 banglah, 8 Ramaz̤ān 1222/9 November 1807.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
3. ff. 125v-181v
Author: ʿĀlī عالى

Delhi Persian 1375C c.

Untitled historical work closely resembling the Rūznāmachah, a satirical account in refined prose and poetry of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I’s campaign besieging and finally overrunning the capital of the Deccani Quṭb Shāhī Sultanate, Ḥaydarābād (Hyderabad), in RY 30 or 1097/1686, by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710).

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
4. ff. 181v-195v
Author: ʿĀlī عالى

Delhi Persian 1375C d.

Allegorical Sufi essay in refined prose and poetry satirising the marriage of (spiritual) beauty and love, with numerous sections treating individual nuptial gifts and ceremonies by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I.

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
5. ff. 195v-199r
Author: ʿĀlī عالى

Delhi Persian 1375C e.

Allegorical essay in refined prose and poetry satirising the claims of physicians to creating or possessing panacea through the tale an ailing patient and his physicians failing to cure him, by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I.

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic
6. ff. 199r-214r
Author: ʿĀlī عالى

Delhi Persian 1375C f.

Untitled miscellaneous collection of the private and formal correspondence in refined prose and poetry by the poet ʿĀlī (d. 1121/1710), who worked under the patronage of the Timurid (Mughal) Emperors Shāh Jahān I, ʿĀlamgīr I, and Bahādur Shāh I.

Correspondents and subjects include Mīrzā Mubārak Allāh Irādat Khān Vāz̤iḥ, Mīrzā Muḥammad Saʿīd, Nādir al-Zamān, Sīvā, and others.

Not dated at end.

Language(s): Persian and Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 226 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 222 × 165 mm.



Origin: 24 Māgh 1214 banglah, 8 Ramaz̤ān 1222/9 November 1807 Calcutta, Sobha Bazaar India, Kolkata

Provenance and Acquisition

Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876


Government of India


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