Delhi Persian 1380 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Poems of Faqir Dihlavi, 8 items (a-h)
Language(s): Persian and Arabic
Delhi Persian 1380 a.
Untitled collection of lyrics or ghazalīyāt in alphabetic order by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
Biographical notes on the author by a later owner (named in a seal), Fatḥ ʿAlī Ḥusaynī Riz̤avī Gardīzī, added at the beginning (f. 1r).
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 b.
Untitled collection of quatrains or rubāʿīyāt by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 c.
Mas̲navī entitled Taṣvīr-i maḥabbat, the tale of Rāmchand, son of the pān farūsh or betel seller, by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
The work was completed in 1156/1743 according to a chronogram.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 d.
Fragment of an untitled mas̲navī in praise of Dihlī by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
The work is defective at end.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 e.
Untitled collection of eulogies or qaṣāʾid and manāqib in various forms, chronograms, muqaṭṭaʿāt, laghz, and elegies or mars̲iyah, by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
Subjects mainly include praise of the Prophet and Imams of the Is̲nāʾ ʿAsharīyah Shīʿah, but also Aḥmad ʿAlī Khān, Sayyid Imtiyāz Khān, Qizilbāsh Khān takhalluṣ Ummīd, ʿAlī Qulī Khān [Dāghistānī] takhalluṣ Vālih, Khvājah Abū Naṣr, and the minister of state, ʿImād al-Mulk.
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 f.
Eulogy or qaṣīdah on mystical themes entitled Shams al-maʿārif, by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 g.
Eulogy or qaṣīdah, entitled Qaṣīdah-'i maṣnūʿah, on the artful demonstration of technical skill, with almost every line illustrating a poetic conceit or figure, indicated by rubricated subheadings, by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
Not dated at end.
Delhi Persian 1380 h.
Allegorical mas̲navī, entitled Durr-i maknūn, on the tale of relations between the daughter of the Qayṣar-i Rūm, Malīkah Narjis Khātūn, and Imām Ḥasan ʿAskarī, by the poet Faqīr (d. 1183/1769).
The work was completed in 1169/1755 according to a chronogram.
Dated colophon (f. 321v): completed by Z̲awq Rām with the takhalluṣ Ḥasrat, 15 Jumādá al-Avval 1182/27 September 1768.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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