Delhi Persian 1570* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Untitled epistolary treatise comprising the Sufi and personal correspondence, verses, and puzzles, by Nūr al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Niẓām al-Dīn Aḥmad Dashtī Hiravī takhalluṣ Jāmī, compiled from various unidentified sources by an unnamed editor.
Dated colophon (f. 65r): completed by Sharīf Ibrāhīm, Thursday, 25 Rajab in RY 33 [of Emperor ʿĀlamgīr I?], 1102/24 April 1691.
Nastaʿlīq occasionally tending toward shikastah āmīz.
Corrections and annotations in margins and interlinear spaces.
Folios unbound; stains, cropped, wormholes, torn and creased.
Condition very fragile.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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