Delhi Persian 95* (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Untitled lexicographical treatise comprising definitions, primarily in Persian (subscript text written in red ink), for difficult vocabulary (overlined in red) extracted from an unidentified collection of tales (headings indicated on ff. 3r, 4r, 5r, 6v, 8v) by an unnamed author.
Defective at end.
Not dated at end.
Partially foliated.
Lacking original covers.
Paper dust wrapper (BEIC legal publication dated 1851); watermarked (T H Saunders & Co., 1849); labels, stained.
Folios unbound, extended along outer edges; ink and water stains, wormholes, later repairs subsequently cropped.
Physical Description
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876
Government of India
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