Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 594 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Ẕikr-i jamīʻ-i awliyā-yi Dihlī by Muḥammad Ḥabīb Allāh Akbarābādī


Summary of Contents: Lives of the saints of Delhi composed, according to a chronogram, in 1140/1727-8, arranged according to the anniversaries of their death by Muḥammad Ḥabīb Allāh ibn Shaykh Jahān Akbarābādī Dihlavī (1671 or 2 - 1747).
Title: Ẕikr-i jamīʿ-i awliyā-yi Dihlī
Title: ذکر جمیع اولیای دهلی
Colophon: Copied for Qāz̤ī al-quz̤āt Vaḥīd al-Dīn Khān
Language(s): Persian
Filiation: Other copies in the British Library: Or. 1746, and Delhi Persian 634.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: ff. iii+136
Dimensions (leaf): 270 × 170 mm.
Dimensions (written): 215 × 110 mm.

Pencilled foliation.


Catchwords on the bottom-left corners of the verso.


Fully repaired and rebound in 1970s.


16 lines per page.


Nastaʻlīq; copied in black ink, with headings and overlinings in red.



Quarter-leather India Office Library binding stamped 1 June 1977.


Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r, 136v).


Origin: 18th century; CE

Provenance and Acquisition

Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.

Acquired by the Government of India in 1876

Record Sources

Based on C.A. Storey's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, Mss Eur 207/9, ff. 220-21. Revised by Ursula Sims-Williams


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact British Library, Registering for a Reader Pass. For information on catalogues and ordering manuscripts see Finding and ordering Persian manuscripts in the British Library.


Microfilm IOL 356


    For further information see C.A. Storey, Persian Literature: A Bio-bibliographical Survey, in Storey Online , vol.VI §1349.
    Ḥabīb Allāh, 1671 or 1672-1747, Ẕikr-i jamīʿ-i awliyāʼ-i Dihlī; bih taṣḥīḥ va taʿlīqāt-i Sharīf Ḥusayn Qāsimī. Ṭūnk, Rājāsthān: ʿArabik ainḍ Parshiyan Rīsarch Insṭiṭiyūṭ, 1988.

Funding of Cataloguing



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