Delhi Persian 1082 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Ṣaḥāʼif al-maʻrifah by Abū ʻAbd Allah ʻAbd al-Razzāq ibn Ahmad al-Rāzī al-Muqrī
ff. 49v-50r contain an oval diagram with signs of the zodiac and the heavens around the edge, with explanations of some of the terms. The margins of both pages contain poetry and a passage in praise of prophet Muḥammad.
Physical Description
India Office stamped foliation; Persian foliation is numbered 4-54, beginning at f. 3r.
Slightly worm-eaten and damp-stained. Without binding and encased in plain wrapper.
15-22 lines per page, depending on the scribe.
Copied in 6 different hands, all in nastaʻliq, in black ink, mostly with spaces left for headings.
ff. 1r-11v. Nasta'liq, compact and neat; 19 lines per page.
ff. 12r-19v. Thicker nastaʻliq; Arabic vocalised; 17 lines per page.
f. 20. 15 lines per page.
ff. 21r-28v. Neat nasta'liq; 22 lines per page; scribe, Muḥammad Murād Rāmpūrī (?).
ff. 29r-36v. Cursive nastaʻliq, some headings in red; 19 lines per page; scribe: Muḥammad Sādiq Jhajhāvī(?).
ff. 37r-44v. Thick nastaʻliq; 15 lines oer page; scribe: Bahādur Khān Jhajhāvī(?).
ff. 45r-53v. Headings and diacritical marks in red; 21 lines per page; same scribe as ff. 1-11.
Additions include some poetry, Persian translations of Arabic words, glosses (f. 2), quotation from the Prophet (f. 24v), and marginal repetition of poetry in another hand (ff. 25r, 27v, 28r).
Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r and 53v).
Accompanying Material
Wrapper: East India Company Acquittance Roll dated June 1828. Watermarked ‘ J. Whatman Balston & Co. 1828 ’, ripped in the middle.
Folio i: fragment, probably from another manuscript, of court correspondence, written in black ink, nastaʻliq. Leaf dimensions: 200 mm x 119 mm/ written: 165 mm x 750 mm), 11 lines per page.
Provenance and Acquisition
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.
Acquired by the Government of India in 1876
Record Sources
Based on A.J. Arberry's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, MSS Eur E207/3 , f. 12r, and R. Levy 's description, Mss Eur E207/12, f. 117r. Revised by Sheida Heydarishovir
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