Delhi Persian 1084 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Two treatises (a-b): Risālah-ʼi ʻishqīyah by Ḥamīd al-Dīn Nāgawrī and Munājāt by Khvājah ʻAbd Allāh Anṣārī
Colophon dated Zu'l-Qaʻdah 1136, regnal year 6 of Muhammad Shah (July/August 1724). Copied in the capital Shahjahanabad for Muḥammad Muẓaffar.
Folios 50 and 51 are stuck together.
Colophon dated in the capital, on 12 Muḥarram regnal year 6 of Muhammad Shah (1 October 1724). Copied for Muḥammad Muẓaffar.
Physical Description
India Office stamped foliation.
Worm-eaten and damp-stained. Loose leaves encased with a wrapper beneath the binding.
Written transversely in 2 columns of 17 lines, separated by a single line written vertically between them.
Nastaʻlīq; copied in black ink; marks and headings in red, overlining in red for most of the sentences. Ruled frame in blue and red. The copyist's name is Ulugh Khān.
f. 1r: invocation to God, a verse by Rūmī, an anecdote and the title and author of both books.
f. 58v: a passage in Arabic on the importance of replying to letters and returning regards. Below it another short note in Arabic about people who go to heaven. Below that, a note of a former owner, stating that the book ʻIshqīyah by Ḥamīd al-Dīn Nāgawrī was copied by the author 'Qāẓī Ṣāḥib' and was purchased via Khayr al-Dīn, servant of the court of Khvājah Quṭb al-Aqṭāb for 4 rupees on 7 Ramazan of the first regnal year of Muhammad Akbar Shah (28 July 1724).
Marbled board binding dating from the 19th century.
Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r & 57v).
Accompanying Material
Wrapper: East India Company Acquittance Roll dated Feburary 1832. Watermarked J. Whatman Balston & Co., 1828
Provenance and Acquisition
Copied for Muḥammad Muẓaffar in 1724.
Possibly belonged to Khayr al-Dīn, servant of the court of Khvājah Quṭb al-Aqṭāb and sold by him to an unnamed purchaser for 4 rupees on 7 Zu'l-Qaʻdah 1136 (28 July 1724).
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.
Acquired by the Government of India in1876
Record Sources
Based on A.J. Arberry's description in "Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III", Mss Eur E207/2, f. 35r and Mss Eur E207/1, f. 9r, and R. Levy's description, Mss Eur E207/12, f. 124r and Mss Eur E207/13, f. 1r. Revised by Sheida Heydarishovir
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