Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1096B (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Kanz al-sālikīn by Khvājah ʻAbd Allah Anṣārī


Summary of Contents: A treatise on ethical Sufism written in ornate rhymed prose, attributed to Khvājah ʻAbd Allah Anṣārī on the title page, and in the text (f. 116v). The style, however, exhibits none of the archaic characteristics which might have been expected in a work of such antiquity, suggesting that it is not a genuine work by Anṣārī. In this copy there is no division into chapters or sections. The end is defective.
Title: کنز السالکین
Incipit: حمد بی حد الهی را و درود بی عدد پادشاهی را که برداشت ار دبده دلها رمد، و رفع السماء بغیر عمد.
Explicit: ای بنده من من ترا مفت سخن به خودی خود گفتم تا آموختی

The catchword on the last leaf (f. 143v) has been crossed out, and a false ending (تم) added.

A note on f. 1r states that the book had 156 folios, but currently there are only 146.

Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: ff. 143+wrapper
Dimensions (leaf): 238 × 150 mm.
Dimensions (written): 145 × 76 mm.

India Office stamped foliation.




Slightly worm-eaten and damp-stained. Without binding and encased in a wrapper.


17 lines per page.


Naskh, headings and overlinings in red. Occasional punctuation markings in red.


Margins ruled in blue and red.

Rhyming prose is indicated in red by the term sajʻ (سجع).


Some corrections in the margins in black and red ink.

Folio 1r includes an Arabic prayer written in naskh, with rubrications in red.

A note on f. 1r names the owner as Muḥammad Hāshim. Two other former owners' names have been deliberately erased.

A note on f. 1v records a purchase price of RS. 2.5.


Unintelligible circular or oval seal, deliberately erased. (f. 1r)

Persian rectangular seal, defective and unintelligible. (f. 1v)

Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r, 143v).

Accompanying Material

Wrapper: regulation, printed in Calcutta, 1846 at the Bengal Military Orphan Press.


Origin: Undated, probably 17th century. India

Provenance and Acquisition

Owned by two unnamed owners followed by Muḥammad Hāshim.

Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.

Acquired by the Government of India in1876

Record Sources

Based on A.J. Arberry's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III,Mss Eur E207/1, f. 8r. Revised by Sheida Heydarishovir


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