Delhi Persian 1106 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Maʻdan al-asrār by ʻAli ibn Muḥammad ibn Jakan? al-ʻAlavī
The author describes himself on f. 3v as ʻAli ibn Muḥammad ibn Jakan? al-ʻAlavī, known as Manjihr? Sayyid Jīv al-Ḥusaynī. On f. 4r, he states this book in 61 chapters is what Shaykh Qāz̤in-i ʻAlā has said about the Shaṭṭārī sect, and he has named it Maʻdan al-asrār fī bayān-i khāndān-i mashrab-i Shaṭṭār.
Physical Description
India Office stamped foliation and Persian foliation.
Slightly worm-eaten and damp-stained. Some loose leaves. without binding, encased in a wrapper.
Varying. 15 to 18 lines per page.
Naskh, with some nastaʻlīq elements. Copied in black ink. Some headings and overlinings in red.
Notes on ff. ii verso and 1r give the author's name as Muḥammad Qāz̤in. Folio ii verso refers to him as Shaykh Faz̤l Allāh, known as Muḥammad Qāz̤in, cousin of Shaykh Sharaf al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā Munīrī, who was a disciple of Khalīfah Shaykh Ḥamīd Hājī Ḥuz̤ūr Shaṭṭārī. Folio 1r calls him Haz̤rat-i Muḥammad ... Shāh Qāz̤in Shaṭṭāri.
Folio ir contains quotationa and references to other works.
Folio i verso is covered with additional verses.
Folio iir includes various prayers and instruction .
Folio 138 is written diagonally and includes a note quoting a Ḥanafī fatvā and a discussion about managing property and construction. Two prayers have been added at the bottom of f. 138v.
Octagonal black seal, reading Naṣr min Allāh wa fatḥun qarīb (Qurʼan 61:13). Date illegible. (f. 1r).
Black oval seal: Muḥammad ʻĪsā, 1202? (1787/88) (f. 136r).
Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r, 138v).
Accompanying Material
Wrapper: Government of India Legislative printed document dated 1849.
Provenance and Acquisition
Belonged at the end of the 18th century to Muḥammad ʻĪsā (f. 136r).
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.
Acquired by the Government of India in1876
Record Sources
Based on A.J. Arberry's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, Mss Eur E207/2, f. 55r, and R. Levy's description, Mss Eur E207/13, f. 49r. Revised by Sheida Heydarishovir
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