Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Delhi Persian 1112 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)

India Office Library

Muballigh al-rijāl by Khvājah Kalān ibn Muḥammad al-Bāqī


Summary of Contents: An account of Naqshbandī sufism, particularly according to the teachings of Aḥmad Fārūqī Sirhindī(d. 1626), by Khvājah Kalān ibn Muḥammad al-Bāqī, completed on 10 Jumadi al-avval 1060 AH/1650 CE.
Title: مبلغ الرجال
Incipit: الحمد لله علی ما علمنا بالارشاد الی سواء السبیل و الصلوة و السلام علی سیدنا محمد... اما بعد گوید بنده سرافکنده شرمنده از کردار تباه... خواجه محمد الباقی محمد الثانی الخ.
Explicit: و قد فرغت من سوید هذه العجاله... یوم الثلاثاء عاشر جمید الاول سنه ستین بعد الالف...
Colophon: بعونه تعالی رساله مبلغ الرجال از تالیفات خواجه کلان ابن محمد الباقی... بماحب فرمایش نواب معلی القاب اعظیم الدوله معین الملک محمد میرخان بهادر ... دام اقباله و زاد اجلاله در شهر صفر سنه یازدهم از جلوس والا به خط شکسته بسته مداح منشی مولی سنگه المتخلص به فراق الخ.
Colophon: The Risālah Muballigh al-rijāl by Khvājah Kalān son of Muḥammad al-Bāqi was completed by request of ʻAẓīm al-Dawlah Muḥammad Mīr Khān Bahadur [illegible] Jang in Ṣafar regnal year 11 of an unspecified ruler, by Munshī Mawlā Singh Firāq.
Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: ff. ii+i+118+i+ii
Dimensions (leaf): 205 × 135 mm.
Dimensions (written): 120 × 65 mm.

Persian and India Office stamped foliation.




Worm-eaten, remargined, rebound and guarded by India Office.


10 lines per page.


Nastaʻlīq; copied in black ink, with headings and overlinings in red.


Some corrections and summaries in the margins.


Red 1/4 leather India Office binding dating from around 1960.


Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. 1r, 118v).


Origin: Ṣafar regnal year 11 possibly of Muhammad Shah 1142/1729; India

Provenance and Acquisition

Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.

Acquired by the Government of India in1876

Record Sources

Based on A.J. Arberry's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, Mss Eur E207/3, f. 67r and R. Levy's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, Mss Eur E207/13, f. 54r. Revised bySheida Heydarishovir


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