Delhi Persian 1116 (Oriental Manuscripts, British Library)
India Office Library
Maʻdin al-maʻānī by Zayn Badr ʻArabī
A note on folio 1r states this is the first part of the work, and that its owner and the copyist is Ḥāfiẓ Khayr Allah.
Physical Description
India Office stamped foliation. Persian foliation.
Worm-eaten and damp-stained. Loose leaves. Without binding, encased in a wrapper. End-defective.
15 lines per page.
Nastaʻlīq with some taʻlīq features. Copied in black, with headings and overlinings in red. Copied, according to f.1, by Ḥafiẓ Khayr Allah.
Margins ruled in red.
Some corrections in the margins.
Folios iii and iv contain a prayer and an instruction on how to seek divine good (istikhārah).
Folios ii and iii contain a table of contents listing all 63 chapters with page references.
Illegible black defective circular seal, presumably that of the former owner (f. 1r).
Black Government of India Delhi MSS oval stamp (ff. ii recto, 185v).
Accompanying Material
Wrapper: East India Company formal regulation dated 1793.
Provenance and Acquisition
Belonged to the copyist Ḥafiẓ Khayr Allah (f. 1r).
Purchased by the Government of India at sale organised by Delhi Prize Agents, 1859; administrative deposit India Office Library, 1876.
Acquired by the Government of India in1876.
Record Sources
Based on A.J. Arberry's description in Drafts for Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in the India Office Library, vol. III, Mss Eur E207/2, f. 21r and R. Levy's description, Mss Eur E207/13, f. 57r. Revised by Sheida Heydarishovir
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