Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

MS Ar 5458 (Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms project)

Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms project collection


Summary of Contents: This manuscript contains commentary on the book of Aphorisms attributed to Hippocrates. The beginning of each Book is as follows: Book 1: 6b, Book 2: 25a, Book 3: 44a, Book 4 57a, Book 5: 74a, Book 6: 90b, Book 7: 101b.

Original manuscript in Chester Beatty Library.

This item contains the introduction to Abd Latif Baghdadi's commentary on the Aphorisims in ff. 1-2, 247 The copy is unnamed and undated. Arberry estimates the date of copying around 17CE Hijri-qamari.

Language(s): Arabic

This item contains part of IAS's commentary on the Aphorisms in ff. 3-31 The copy is unnamed and undated. Arberry estimates the date of copying around 17CE Hijri-qamari.

Language(s): Arabic

This item contains Hunayn's Question on Medicine with Ibn Abī Sādiq's commentary in ff. 31-246. The copy is unnamed and undated. Arberry estimates the date of copying around 17CE Hijri-qamari.

Language(s): Arabic

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 191 leaves (ff. 1a-191b)
Dimensions (leaf):

Modern pencil foliation in Arabic numerals at the top outer corner of side a of each folio.


One column with 25 lines



Marginalia: The copy has been collated with the exemplar.

The copyist has entered many corrections in the margins (sometimes marked with صح).


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Funding of Cataloguing

European Research Council


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