CODRINGTON/READE NO 11. BOX 5. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)
Persian Manuscripts
1 copy of Nuzhat al-Arwah by Mīr Ḥusaynī Haravī, Ḥusayn ibn ʻĀlim, 1272 or 3-ca. 1317
Not in Morley Printed Cat. (This MS lacks the opening phrases with the author's name found on No 10) Copious marginal and interlinear notes, mainly in the earlier part. F1a, recto. In ink: David Price. In pencil: Persian MS 11. Illegible impression of rectangular seal with Persian inscription. Last folio, verso: O H? 425; R A S 425 The title 'Ara'sh Akbar in Codrington's catalogue is a misreading of 'Ara'is-i Abkar, which appears in Arabic script in the Morley Handwritten Catalogue. This is not in fact the title of the work, but a phrase that occurs near the end, where the author, having stated the true title, gives his own name and a florid decrioption of the book. Rubricated headings etc. Red ruled margins.
Physical Description
11 lines on a page
Nasta'liq with shikastah 'Abd al-Hakim Jaruli?
Second new flyleaf: labels from previous binding: a) leather: R.A.S. MS. CAT. 239. b) paper Persian (9 deleted) 11. Twentieth-century blue cloth binding. (Wrong) title etc tooled on spine.
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