Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

CODRINGTON/READE NO 2. BOX 2. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)

Persian Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: 1 copy of Minhāj al-ṣādiqīn fī ilzām al-mukhālifīn Vol. V (of five) by Kāshānī, Fatḥ Allāh ibn Shukr Allāh, d. 1570 or 71

Not in Morley Printed Cat. By the same scribe as CODRINGTON/READE NO 1, which contains volume 1 of the same work. Colophon states that the whole work was copied at various times (awqat muta'addida) and in strange circumstances (halat ghariba wa awda' 'ajiba). F1 recto has pencil note giving description. Not by Shaikh Baha' al-Din, as stated in earlier catalogues. Some rubrication.

Incipit: Surat Muhammad, In sura-ra sura-yi qattal niz guyand
Language(s): Persian.


Storey, i, pp. 15-17.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: Folios 337
Dimensions (leaf): 14


27 lines on a page


Nasta'liq with some shikasta forms. Title and author's name given in inscription by the copyist on f1a. Mu'in al-Din Muhammad b. Muhammad Salih Shirwani(?)


Cloth and board binding by Whitelaw and Fensham, Tudor Street, E.C. Paper label on spine: Persian 2.


Origin: Dated 3 Safar A.H 1107/A.D.

Provenance and Acquisition

Presented by Major David Price


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