Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

CODRINGTON/READE NO 61. BOXED, WITHOUT NUMBER. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)

Persian Manuscripts


Summary of Contents: 1 copy of Tarikh i Firishtah, or Gulshan i Ibrahimi by Firishtah, Muḥammad Qāsim Hindū Shāh Astarābādī

In several hands. Some quite extensive marginal notes. On European paper with a variety of watermarks, one dated 1815, one 1816. Folio one, recto (numbered page 2): The newly collated edition of the works of Mahomed Kasim Ferishta completed by Lieut. Colonel Briggs. 1826. Deposited for security in the library of the Royal Asiatic Society 13. March 1828. Pages 3-12 contain a preface in ornate style by Khairat 'Ali Khan 'Mushtaq'. This gives a biographical sketchof Firishta. The writer collaborated on the edition of the work with Briggs, who is mentioned on pages 11 and 12. The date A.H. 1241 (1825-6)is given at the end. Pages 1204-1232 contain a vocabulary, given the title Farhang i Brigzi with an introduction by Mushtaq. Neither of these is in the 1831-2 Bombay and Poona edition of Briggs and Mushtaq. The relationship of this MS and the printed edition is not clear. It was given to the Society some years before the edition was printed. Briggs did not retire from service in `India until 1835. A general history of India. There are two different recensions. This MS belongs to the earlier one, in which the whole is subdivided into two books. (See Rieu) Rubricated headings and punctuation. Many of the headings left empty.

Incipit: Incipit (Page 13): Pish i wujud i hama ayandagan * bish i baqayi hama payandagan Sitayish i mutawafira wa niyayish i mutakathira
Language(s): Persian.


Storey, i, 442-50.
Rieu, i, pp. 225-6.
Ethe, No 291.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: Folios 602
Dimensions (leaf): 16.25 × 10.5 in.


21 lines on a page




Brown leather European style binding.


Origin: Circa A.D. 1826

Provenance and Acquisition

Presented by General Briggs. Deposited 13 March 1828.


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