Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

CODRINGTON/READE NO 9. BOX 4. (Library, Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland)

Persian Manuscripts


1 copy of Sharh-i Mathnawi by Mir Muhammad Nurallah Sad? Ahrari.

Not in Morley Printed Cat. The three sections are prepared as separate books which have been bound together, but are in the same hand and uniform in decoration. On the recto of the first folio of each section is a note in a different hand giving the author's name and stating that the work has been copied for Diyanat Khan Chabu?. This is evidently written by one of the Khan's retainers. Below the note stands the impression of the round seal of 'Ali Naqi, dated 1106 and regal year 38. It is accompanied on all three pages by impressions of a) the oval seal of Mir Muhammad 'Ali, dated 1117 and regnal year 49 and b) a rectangular seal, possibly of 'Ali ... fidawi? of 'Alamgir Shah. Original flyleaf, verso, has pencilled notes giving description and catalogue numbers. Penultimate page, verso: 426. Last page, verso: 239. Probably an early copy of the work. Each section has an illuminated heading. Rubrication. Ruled margins.

Incipit: Qawluhu quddisa sirruhu: Ay Diya' al-haqq Husam al-Din biyar
Language(s): Persian


Ethe, i, No 1104.
Rieu, ii, pp.592-3.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: Folios 116
Dimensions (leaf): 5.5


17 lines on a page




Twentieth-century blue cloth binding, probably replacing an Oriental binding. On the second flyleaf, recto, are stuck a) a leather panel with stamped inscription: R.A.S. MS. CAT. 241, and B) a paper label inscribed: Persian 9


Origin: Completed noon Monday 9 Sha'ban A.H. 1091.

Provenance and Acquisition

Presented by Major David Price.


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