Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Persian MS 893 (The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, The University of Manchester)

Persian Manuscripts

A composite manuscript containing four works by Jāmī (1414-1492), including one of the earliest translations into Ottoman Turkish.


Summary of Contents: This composite manuscript contains four works by Jāmī (1414-1492). The first is an incomplete copy of his commentary on the Lama‘at of ‘Irāqī, composed in 886 AH (1481 CE). The second work appears to be the earliest-known copy of an Ottoman translation of the Lavā'iḥ (Flashes) composed by ‘Abdülmecīd ibn Naṣūḥ ibn Isrā'īl al-Rūmī al-Amāsī (d. 1588) in circa 1581, with this manuscript completed in 1588, the year of his death. The third manuscript contains both Jāmī's Nay Nāmah (Book of the Reed) followed by select excerpts from his Ruq‘āt (Correspondence).
1. 1b to 3a
Author and Commentator: Jāmī, 1414-1492 جامی
Author and Bibliographic antecedent: Fakhr al-Dīn ‘Irāqī
Incipit: (beginning) برگ ۱پ (folio 1b): لولا لمعات برق نور القدم * من نحو حمی الجود وحی الکرم.
Explicit: برگ ۳ر (folio 3a): او در جمیع موجودات کرده است بنابر ازوم ملابسه وی مر قاذورات و اشیاء.
Colophon: No colophon
Language(s): Persian


Hamid Algar, Jami (Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 2013), p. 102.
Jāmī, Bahāristān va Rasāʼil-i Jāmī: Mushtamil bar Risālahʹhā-yi Mūsīqī, ʻArūz̤, Qāfīyah, Chihil Ḥadīs̲, Nāʼīyah, Lavāmiʻ, Sharḥ-i Taʼʼīyah, Lavāyiḥ va Sarʹrishtah (Tehran: Mīrās̱-i Maktūb, 1379 SH [2000 CE]), pp. 325–336.
E. Sachau and H. Ethé, Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindûstani, and Pushtû manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Vol. I (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889), col. 610, no. 894/11 and p. 635, no. 966 [Bodleian MS Ouseley 288, no. 11 and MS. A. Walker 84)].
2. 4a to 23b
Title: Tercemeh-'i Levāyiḥ
Incipit: (basmala) برگ ۴پ (folio 4b): بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم * خیر‌ایله ختم‌ایله بنی یا کریم | نجه ایدم ثناءِ پاکݣ احصا * که لطف وجودݣ اولمز هیج محصی...
Explicit: برگ ۲۳پ (folio 23b): جرعءِ کافی بود از ختم برای چاشنی * عارفی را بس بود یک دسته ریحان ز باغ.
Colophon: والله اعلم بالصواب و الیه المرجع و الماب. الحمد لله وحده و لا شئ بعده تم. هر که خواند دعا طمع دارم * ز آنکه من بندهءِ کنه کرم. حرره فی شهور ربیع الاول سنه ۹۹۶
Colophon: Completed during Rabī‘ I 996 AH (Feb. 1588 CE).
Language(s): Persian and Ottoman Turkish

This appears to be the earliest surviving copy known to survive, dated the year of the translator's death. For the only other known copy held in the Kastamonu Yazma Eseler Kütüphanesi, completed 27 Muḥarram 1048 AH (10 Jun 1638 CE), see Karacan and Acıl. The latter presents a complete transliteration and analysis of this text derived from that manuscript.


Kastamonu Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi, no. 37 HK 3670/10, folios 221b–230b
H. Algar, Jami (Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 2013), pp. 100–101.
B. Acıl, 'Tosyevî’nin Tercemetü’l-Levâyih’i ve Tercüme Stratejisi' İstanbul Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi, Vol. LX No. 1 (2020) pp. 1-55.
M. Erbaş, 'Bir Osmanlı Müfessiri: Abdülmecîd b. eş-Şeyh Nasûh b. İsrâil (ö. 973/1565) ve Eserleri'. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, Vol. XXIV (2006): pp. 161–186.
M. Karacan, ‘Molla Câmî’nin Levâyih Adlı Eseri (İnceleme-Metin) MA Thesis (İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi, 2015), pp. 31–34, App. 2, 319.
3. 25a to 29a
Title: Nay Nāmah
Incipit: (basmala) عشق جز نایی و ما جز نی نه ایم * او دمی بی ما و ما بی وی نه ایم... الکرم.
Explicit: برگ ۲۹ر (folio 29a): در بقا باقی شوی فانی تمام * باقی و جاوید باشی و السلام.
Colophon: برگ ۲۹ر (folio 29a): تمت الرساله بخمد الله و عونه و الفاتحه للجامی غفر له.
Colophon: Uninformative colophon.
Language(s): Persian


Hamid Algar, Jami (Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 2013), pp. 101–105.
Jāmī, Bahāristān va Rasāʼil-i Jāmī: Mushtamil bar Risālahʹhā-yi Mūsīqī, ʻArūz̤, Qāfīyah, Chihil Ḥadīs̲, Nāʼīyah, Lavāmiʻ, Sharḥ-i Taʼʼīyah, Lavāyiḥ va Sarʹrishtah (Tehran: Mīrās̱-i Maktūb, 1379 SH [2000 CE]), pp. 325–336.
Jāmī, Muraqqaʻ-i Nayʹnāmah-ʼi Jāmī. Edited by Muẓaffar Bakhtiyār (Tehran: Markaz-i Nashr-i Dānishgāhī, 1380 SH (2001 CE).
Lloyd Ridgeon, 'Naqshbandī Admirers of Rūmī in the Late Timurid Period'. Mawlana Rumi Review, Vol. 3 (2012): pp. 124–168.
4. 29b to 31a
Title: رقعات
Incipit: (basmalla) برگ ۲۹پ (folio 29b): همایون نامهٔ چون باد دلبر *‌ بروی از عنبری تر بسته زیور
Explicit: برگ ۳۱ر (folio 31a): نبد کسی رند آمد تمام * زندگی این باشد و بس والسلام. تمت.
Colophon: No colophon.
Language(s): Persian


For a complete copy of this work held in the Rylands, see Persian MS 528.
H. Ethé, Catalogue of Persian manuscripts in the library of the India Office, Vol. 1 (London: Printed for the India Office by H. Hart, 1903), cols. 772–773, no. 1387–1389 [British Library IO Islamic 1691, &c.].
Jāmī, Classic Selections From Some of the Most Esteemed Persian Writers, Vol. 2: Raukate Jaume (Calcutta: Asiatic Lithographic Company Press 1828), pp. 1–101
Jāmī, Nāmahʹhā va Munshaʼāt-i Jāmī. Edited by A. Urunbaev and A. Rahmanov Tehran: Mīrās-i Maktūb, 1378 SH [1999 CE].
P. Losensky, 'Jāmi i. Life and Works’', Encyclopædia Iranica, Vol. XIV, Fasc. 5 (2008), pp. 469-475 .
E. Sachau and H. Ethé, Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindûstani, and Pushtû manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Vol. I (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1889), col. 614, no. 1894 and p. 635, no. 965 [Bodleian MS Ouseley 288, no. 35 and MS Fraser 51].
C. A. Storey, Persian Literature: A Bio-bibliographical Survey, Vol. III, Pt. 2 (London: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1990), p. 256, no. 432.

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 34 folios, 2 flyleaves (ff. i + 34 + i)
Dimensions (leaf): 195 × 136 mm.
Dimensions (written):
Foliation: Pencilled Arabic numerals added to the upper-left corners of the a sides when catalogued.


Collation 1II(3) 1IV(11) 1VI(23) 1 IV+2 (34). Catchwords in all but the first work




Probably originally bound in the Ottoman Empire, possibly 18th century CE.

Sewn on three cord supports, frayed out. Edges trimmed and endbands omitted at head and tail. Binding of thin card faced with silvered paper. Spine covered in quarter medium brown calfskin leather, probably over the original as a later repair.

195 × 140 × 12 mm.

Handle binding with caution. In fair but stable condition, with extensive wear at the edges of the thin pasteboard covers.



Provenance and Acquisition

While the circumstances under which this volume arrived in Britain remain unclear, Alexander Lindsay, 25th Earl of Crawford (1812–1880) probably acquired it before 1866 from an unidentified source, then moved it to his Bibliotheca Lindesiana at Haigh Hall, Wigan.

Purchased by Enriqueta Rylands (1843–1908) in 1901 from James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of Crawford (1847–1913).

Bequeathed by Enriqueta Rylands (1843–1908) in 1908 to the John Rylands Library, Manchester.

Record Sources

Bibliographical description based on an index created by Reza Navabpour circa 1993, derived from a manuscript catalogue by Michael Kerney, circa 1890s, concisely published as Bibliotheca Lindesiana, Hand-list of Oriental Manuscripts: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, 1898.

Manuscript description by Jake Benson in 2023 with reference to the volume in hand.


To book an in-person or online appointment to consult the manuscript, visit Using the Special Collections Reading Rooms. For any other enquiries please email uml.special-collections@manchester.ac.uk.

Funding of Cataloguing

Iran Heritage Foundation

The John Rylands Research Institute

The Persian Heritage Foundation


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