Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 105 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection

Collection 11

A collection of ten works on different subjects

Physical Description

Extent: 469 ff.


Maroon leather, 16 × 22 cm, front + back cover, leather + pasteboard

Decorated tooled edges


Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

1) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 925


Summary of Contents: A collection of Fatāwā by Āqā Mīr Sayyid Ḥusaynā, collected by the author and compiled in a volume in 1271 AH.
ff. 1b-107b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، این مسایل متفرقه‌ای است مسماة به نجاة در ضروریات عباد که بندهٔ ذلیل عاصی سیدحسین… جمع نمودم و تقلی کردم از فتوای جناب… آقامیر سید حسینا…
Explicit: … مسئله، اگر از راه حلال وظیفه را بدهند حلالست چه شاه چه غیر شاه هر کس باشد.
Colophon: تمت‌الرساله علی ید… علی رضا فی یوم الاحد اربع و عشرون فی شهر جمادی‌الاولی ۱۲۷۲.

Based on the available catalogues, it appears that this is a unique work.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 925

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular, one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 8 cm.


ff. 1b-107b


15 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, large hand, one hand. ʿAlī Riz̤ā علی رضا


Rubricated line above some expressions.

Additions: Oval stamp belonging to the author of the work. Verification of the text, as well as a note by the author approving the verification in 1274 AH.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 1272 AH; 1865 CE

2) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 935


Summary of Contents: This is a brief treatise detailing the requirements of Islamic prayer (Namāz), presented in two parts. The first part outlines the provisions of Prayer, and the second part has a missing.
ff. 109b-140b
Language(s): Persian

Practice of Islam

Title: [Namāz]
Title: [نماز]
Incipit: بسمله، حمدله، اما بعد این رساله‌ایست وجیزه در بیان واجبات نماز… و آن را مرتب نمود بر دو مقصد…
Explicit: … و احوط برای او ستر است ورود نیست که سر در اینمقام کردنرا شامل باشد چنانچه از روایات است…||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 935

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular, one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 8 cm.


ff. 109b-140b


15 lines per page


Graceful Naskh, large hand, one hand.


Rubricated line above some expressions.

Additions: Oval stamp.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 13th century AH; 19th Century CE

3) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 129


Summary of Contents: A work on the history of Islam. It contains the events related to the Battle of Karbalā and its aftermath. Due to missing folios at the beginning and end of the treatise, its title and author are unknown.
ff. 141a-151b
Language(s): Persian

History of Islam

Incipit: بسمله، بلی بعد از آنیکه جناب سیدالشهداء را به درجهٔ رفیعه شهادت رسانیدند هفتاد و دو پادشاه بخونخواهی جناب سیدالشهداء بیرون آمدند از آنجمله یکی مختار بن ابو عبیده ثقفی بود… و یکی امیر احمد سفّاح بود. چون منبر عالم‌آرای مشرق شهریاری… یعنی احمد سفاح بر تخت سلطنت قرار و آرام گرفت و او سرحلقهٔ خلفای بنی عباسیان بود….
Explicit: … خدایا هر کسی را مطلبی هست / خدایا هر کسی را حاجتی هست…||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 129

Physical Description

Support: Plain Western paper, dark buff, regular, one size. Folios crumbling at edge.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 11 cm.


ff. 141a-151b


16 lines per page


Shikastah-looking Nastaʿaliq, regular, one hand.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 12th century AH; 18th century CE

4) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 797


Summary of Contents: A treatise on practical philosophy, in three chapters called 'Lāmiʿ's (enlightenments), each written in several sections called 'Lumʿah's (spangles): the first chapter is on edification, the second on household manangement, and the third on civil management. The book is written for Bahādur Khān Sulṭān Uzūn Ḥasan Bayk Āq Quyunlū and his son, Sulṭān Jalīl. According to the author himself, it was written based on 'Akhlāq-i Nāṣirī' of Khvājah Ṭūsī, with some amendments and additions.
ff. 152a-162b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: ||… و ملکه کیفیتی است راسخ در نفس و در حکمت نظری معلوم شده که کیفیت نفسانی اگر…
Explicit: … خلق ملکه‌ایست نفس را که مقتضی سهولت صدور فعلی باشد ازو بی احتیاج بفکر و رویت||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 797

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • MNL 3/62
  • NLI 2/40

Similar Copies listed in Other Catalogues:

  • ALZ 18/359
  • DEN 8/1093

On the Web:

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular, one size, glossy. Ruling (three lines, gilt, lapis, and cinnabar).
Dimensions (leaf): 20 × 13.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 8 cm.


ff. 152a-162b


17 lines per page


Calligraphic Naskh, regular hand, one hand.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 18th century CE; 12th century AH

5) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 130


ff. 163a-200b
Language(s): Persian

History of Islam

This is a work on the history of Islam. It contains the events after Os̱mān was selected as Khlīfah, and the incidents after his assassination. Due to missing folios at the beginning and end of the treatise, its title and author are unknown.

Incipit: ||… آنکه تمام کند نور خود را و هر چند نخواهند کافران معاویه گفت ای پسر عباس بحال خود باش و زبان خود را نگهدار و اگر گویی پنهان بگو و آشکار مگو پس چون بخانه رفت صد هزار درهم برای ابن عباس فرستاد…
Explicit: … ندارند که سوار شوند معاویه گفت شترهای آبکش ایشان چه شد قیس بن سعد که در آنروز بزرگ انصار بود گفت که شتران خود را خالی کردند و در روز بدر و احد که در خدمت حضرت با تو بود و پدر تو و جنگ میکردند تا خدا اسلامرا بشمشیر ایشان غالب گردانید…||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 130

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, varying thickness (regular and thick), one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 16 × 15.5 cm.


ff. 163a-200b


18 lines per page


Shikastah-looking Nastaʿaliq, regular hand, one hand.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 12th century AH; 18th century CE

6) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 20


Summary of Contents: In Minasian collection, the generic title of Akhlāq [Ethics] is given to a number of brief treatises that have defective incipits and explicits, hence lacking title and author information. They all, however, have the genral topic of ethics in common.
ff. 201a-238b
Language(s): Persian


Title: [Akhlāq]
Incipit: ||…هرگز سیر نخورد تا از حال گرسنگان غافل نشود… نچندان گرسنگی باید داد که دزدی شعار کنند…
Explicit: … اگر شخصی بمن چیزی بخشیده از غصه هلاک شوم اما مرد صاحب کمال آنست که من جمیع‌الوجوه…||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 20

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, regular, one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 13.5 × 10 cm.


ff. 201a-238b


16 lines per page


Calligraphic Naskh, fairly large hand, one hand.

Additions: Oval, illegible stamp


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 12th century AH; 18th century CE

7) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 381


Summary of Contents: An incomplete collection of the Ghazaliyyāt of Ḥāfiẓ, consisting of about a hundred and twenty Ghazals. The Ghazals are sorted in the alphabetic order of their rhymes.
ff. 239a-303b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: ||… خمها همه در جوش و خروشند و مستی / وان می که در آنجاست حقیقت بمجاز است
Explicit: …ندیم و مطرب و ساقی همه اوست / خیال آب و گل در ره بهانه||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 381

Physical Description

Support: Plain Western paper, dark buff, regular, one size. Folios crumbling at edge. Edge mending on some folios.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 15 × 9 cm.


ff. 239a-303b


14 lines per page


Shikastah Nastaʿaliq, regular, one hand. Two columns.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 12th century AH; 18th century CE

8) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 662


Summary of Contents: A brief collection of Ghazaliyyāt written by this less-known Iṣfahānī poet who was active in the 14th century (AH). This poet is not listed in the most prestigious directory of Persian speaking poets, i.e. Farhang-i Sukhanvarān.
ff. 304a-313b
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: ||… باغبان رو تو به دلال بگو کین گل تو / در جهان خون بدل گلشن و گلزارم کرد
Explicit: … شمع روشن شد و پروانه بدور سر او / شعله‌اش کرد منور شب پر تاری چند||

Only one copy is found of this work in the avaialble catalogues.


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 662

Similar Copies in Other Libraries:

  • GUL 1/288

Physical Description

Support: Western plain paper, natural buff, thick, one size.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 13 × 10 cm.


ff. 304a-313b


11 lines per page


Cursive Nastaʿaliq, fairly large hand, one hand.

Additions: Oval, illegible stamp.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 14th century AH; 19th Century CE

9) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 808


Summary of Contents: A collection of poems about Shīʿa Imāms, beginning from the battles of Imām ʿAlī through the battle of Karbalā.
ff. 314b-333a
Language(s): Persian


Incipit: ||… ز بس کس که افکند بروی دشت / همه دشت و صحرا پر از کشته گشت
Explicit: … که میر عراق است ابن زیاد / ندیدش امیری این ملک راد||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 808

Physical Description

Support: Natural buff, regular, one size, glossy. Some papers damaged.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 16 × 9 cm.


ff. 314b-333b


18 lines per page


Shikastah Nastaʿaliq, regular, one hand.

Additions: Oval, illegible stamp. Note on ownership, 1176.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 12th century AH; 18th century CE

10) Persian Catalogue Sequence Number 131


Summary of Contents: A work on the history of Islam. It contains the events related to the Battle of Karbalā, beginning with the incidents in connection with Muslim ibn ʿAqīl, and his assassination, and ending with the death of Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī's companions. Due to missing folios at the beginning and end of the treatise, its title and author are unknown.
ff. 334a-469b
Language(s): Persian

History of Islam

Incipit: ||… بر ضمایر قدسی… ابرار… پوشیده نماناد… ابومخنف روایت کند که چون جناب سیدالشهداء از بس اهل کوفه نامه نوشتند و تکلیف می‌نمودند که امور اسلام معوق می‌باشد و ما امام پیشوای نداریم اگر بکوفه نیایی در قیامت دامن ترا می‌گیریم حجت را بر آن حضرت تمام کردند…
Explicit: … ابراهیم در میمنهٔ لشکر بود بکران ملعون امر نمود دور مزاحم را گرفتند مزاحم دست بر شمشیر کرده آنروز جنگی کرد که اگر رستم دستان می‌بودی حلقه غلامی آورده… ناگاه دست اسب… آن شیردل از اسب بروی خاک افتاد بگفتهٔ بکران حرامزاده دور او را گرفتند اینقدر تیغ زدند… تا شهید شد||


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 131

Physical Description

Support: Western paper (watermark), natural buff, varying thickness (regular and thick), one size, glossy.
Dimensions (leaf): 21 × 15.5 cm.
Dimensions (written): 18 × 13 cm.


ff. 334a-469b


20 lines per page


Cursive Nastaʿaliq, fairly large hand, one hand.


Origin: Unknown place of origin; 13th century AH; 19th Century CE

Additional Information

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)

Key to Abbreviations

  • ALZ: (الذریعه)
  • DEN: (فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران - دنا)
  • FAW: (Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford - Minasian Collection)
  • GUL: (Library of Ayatollah Gulpayigani)
  • MNL: (Mar'ashi Najafi Library)
  • NLI: (National Library of Iran)


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