Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

Wadh.Minasian 682 (The Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford)

Oriental Manuscripts Minasian Collection


Summary of Contents: This is an account containing 40 hadiths on ethical and worship matters cited from Shiite Imams that Shaykh Bahāʾī completed on 13 Ṣafar 995 in Iṣfahān. The work is devided into 40 sections under 40 hadiths. The sections/hadiths include: "Reward for memorizing Arbaʿūn ḥadīs̱ā" (first hadith), "Attributes of the Friends of Allāh" (second hadith), "Importance of the priority times for prayers" (third hadith), ... "Ablution of Amīr al-Muʾminīn" (fifth hadith), ... "Importance of Ḥajj" (tenth hadith), ... "Disparage of the worship of idolatry and love in the world" (twentieth hadith), ... "An account of inhibitions cited from the Prophet of God" (thirtieth hadith), ... "Fate of the believers' spirits after death" (fortieth hadith). The work has been taken seriously as of its creation time, so as there have since been many commentaries, annotations, and translations created for it.
Language(s): Arabic


Title: Arbaʿīn
Incipit: ||… اعظم المطالب و المفاخر بعد الایمان بالله و الیوم الاخر هو… الی سعاده الابدیه و یتخلص به من السعاده السرمدیه…
Explicit: … الیک من خفایا الهیات الفلکیه فیحقق ان تصدق اولئک ایضا فیما یتلونه علیک من خبایا العوالم المقدسه الملکیه و ههنا اقطع الکلام شاکر الله علی توفیقه للاتمام… الی دارالسلام.
Colophon: اتفق الفراغ… یوم الاثنین شهر رمضان المبارک بعد مضی من ایام مزبور ثلث ایام علی ید الضعیف الراجی… فی بلده الشیراز ضیاءالدین ابن امیر ابوطالب… جرفادقانی… اللهم وفقنی… بحق محمد و آله الامجاد


Sequence Number in the Persian Catalogue:

  • FAW 53

Similar copies in other libraries:

  • NLI, 10/338-339
  • GIP, 17
  • GIE, 1/13, 2/12
  • MAJ, 1/10, 13/55, 14/201, 26/131-200-374

Similar manuscripts listed in other catalogues:

  • ALZ, 1/425-426
  • TAB, 11/85-87
  • ARP, 36
  • DEN, 609

Printed editions:

  • Qum, 1373 Shamsī AH

On the Web:

Physical Description

Form: codex
Support: Oriental paper, natural buff, varying thickness (thin and regular), one size, glossy. First folio has back bone mending.
Extent: 1+148 ff.
Dimensions (leaf): 19 × 13 cm.
Dimensions (written): 14 × 6.5 cm.


17 lines per page.


Cursive Nastaʿalīq, regular hand, one hand. Marginalia in Nastaʿalīq; annotated. Jurfādiqānī, Z̤‭‭īyāʾ al-Dīn ibn Amīr Abū Ṭālib جرفادقانی، ضیاءالدین ابن امیر ابوطالب

Additions: Notes on end paper 1: a) Various hadiths and quotations; b) تاریخ فوت استادی… آقا رضیا در شب دوشنبه تخمیناً بقدر سه ساعت گذشته در هفدهم شهر شعبان المعظم سنه ۱۱۱۳.


Pasteboard, 14 × 20 cm, front + back cover.


Origin: 11 century AH; 17 century CE ; Shiraz

Provenance and Acquisition

Donated to The Ferdowsi Library by Dr Caro Minasian in 1972.

Record Sources

This record was created by Dr Mohammad Emami based on the information published in the Persian catalogue by Dr Ali Mir-Ansari (Catalogue of the Persian and Arabic Manuscripts in the Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection), Tehran: Miras-e Maktoob, 2016).


Entry to the Library is permitted upon presentation of a valid university ID card (for admissions procedures, please visit Wadham College Library, Persian Studies Section). Please Contact persian.library@wadham.ox.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript.

Key to bibliographical abbreviations of alternative versions:


AQR: Central Library of Astan Quds Razavi; FAW: Ferdowsi Library, Wadham College, University of Oxford (Minasian Collection); GIE: Great Islamic Encyclopedia Library, Manuscripts; GIP: Great Islamic Encyclopedia Library, Photographed and Microfilmed Manuscripts; GUL: Library of Ayatollah Gulpayigani; MAJ: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of the Islamic Consultative Assembly; MAL: Malek National Museum and Library; MNL: Mar'ashi Najafi Library; NLI: National Library of Iran; SEP: Sepahsalar (Shahid Motahari) Mosque and School of Tehran; TCL: Tabriz Central Public Library; UTL: Central Library of University of Tehran;


ALZ: الذریعه; ARP: فهرست کتاب‌های چاپی عربی; COM: فهرست مشترک نسخه‌های خطی فارسی; DEN: فهرستواره دست‌نوشته‌های ایران (دنا); FAM: فهرست نسخه‌های خطی فارسی; FAP: فهرست کتاب‌های چاپی فارسی; FIH: فهرستواره کتاب‌های فارسی; KAS: کشف الظنون عن اسامی الکتب و الفنون; RAY: ریحانة الادب فی تراجمِ المعروفین بالکنیة او اللّقب; TAB: طبقات اعلام الشیعه.

Funding of Cataloguing

Wadham College (University of Oxford)


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