Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 18972 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


1 copy of Vaqāyiʻ by Vāz̤iḥ, Mīrzā Mubārak Allāh, 1649-1716‏

Title: Vaqāyiʻ
Title: Vaqāʼiʻ
Title: وقائع
Title: وقايع

Memoirs of the the seven years from Aurangzeb's death in 1707 to Farruksiyar's entry into Delhi in 1713. With a decorated unvan.

Incipit: ابتدای تحریر کلمات چون به هنگام تغیر ه و پیداری خجته
Explicit: تمت تمام شد كتاب وقائع سانح حضرت خلد مكان و شاه عالم بادشاه و مخيره و محمد معز الدين فرح سير و محمد شاه بتاريخ بيست نهم 29 ذيحجه سنه 33 جلوس شاه عالم بادشاه
Language(s): Persian

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: 199 f.
Dimensions (leaf):
Dimensions (written):



Clear naskh


Origin: 1133 AH; 1721 CE


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