Union Catalogue of Manuscripts from the Islamicate World

ms. 191651 (SOAS Library, School of Oriental and African Studies)

Special Collections


1 copy of Sharḥ al-muntahá by Buhūtī, Manṣūr ibn Yūnus, d. 1641

Incipit: الحمد لله الذي قد احاط بكل شي علما وشرع الشرايع وفصل حلالها وحرامها حكما حكما ... اما بعد ... / ... / فان كتاب المنتهى لعلم الفضايل واحد العلماء الفتوحي الحنبلي ... كتاب وحيد في بابه فريد في ترتيبه واستعابه ... وسالنى بعض الفضلا ان اشرحه شرحا ... بسم الله ... اي باسم مسمى هذا اللفظ الاعظم ... الموصوف بكمال المبالغة

Language(s): Arabic


Commentary on first volume (as far as Kitāb al-iqrār) of Muntahá al-irādāt منتهى الارادات of Ibn al-Najjār, Taqī al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1492 or 3-1564 or 5 ابن النجار، تقى الدين محمد بن احمد .

Physical Description

Form: codex
Extent: fol. 351 (359)
Dimensions (leaf): 29.5 × 20 cm.
Dimensions (written): 25.5 × 14.5 cm.



Small naskhi hand. Text rubricated.


Origin: 12th century AH; 18th century CE

Provenance and Acquisition

in 20th century.

Record Sources

"Manuscript description based on Adam Gacek : Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1981".


Entry to read in the Library is permitted only on presentation of a valid reader's card for admissions procedures contact SOAS Archives and Special Collections Admissions. Contact docenquiry@soas.ac.uk for further information on the availability of this manuscript. Microfiche copy available for purchase from : Brill - IDC Publishers.

Funding of Cataloguing



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